Release Notes Updates



  • Jane.M.801
    Jane.M.801 Posts: 32 Analytics Builder Transition

    Thank you, Judy! Appreciate all you do!

  • Stephanie.H.864
    Stephanie.H.864 Posts: 14 🧭

    Thank you.

  • Lindsay.B.573
    Lindsay.B.573 Posts: 1 🔍

    Yay Release Notes

  • Suzanne.S.710
    Suzanne.S.710 Posts: 22 🧭

    In the July 2023/20.23.7 Preview Release Notes, there's no mention of the Quiz Timing Improvements (big changes) that are the default/only option in the July 20.23.7 release (refer to the high impact changes timeline).

    Is this an oversight?

  • Maryna.Z.118
    Maryna.Z.118 Posts: 19 admin
    edited June 2023

    Hi Suzanne. Thank you for the question.

    It is not an oversight. This feature requires some additional work and will be published at GA.

  • Renee.J.194
    Renee.J.194 Posts: 123

    So is it the documentation that requires additional work or the feature? GA for which phase?

  • Tracy.W.238
    Tracy.W.238 Posts: 16 🌱


    Would this be the same with the "SIS Course Merge" Teacher Initiated Section Association" that is indicated under May-July on the D2L Product Roadmap?

    Also, we are looking for clarity on the "SIS Integration: Grades Passback"? It looks like this has been pushed back to Aug-Oct however our district was told this was possible over two years ago. We are anxiously awaiting its release. Thank you!

  • Maryna.Z.118
    Maryna.Z.118 Posts: 19 admin
    edited June 2023

    It will be published as Release Notes, not Preview Release Notes, on July 6th.

    More things need to be added to the release note.

  • Claire.D.2
    Claire.D.2 Posts: 92 admin

    Hi All! Some notes about the July 2023/20.23.7 Release Notes:

    • The release note for "Quiz Timing Improvements" will be included in our final release notes on July 6. This is a big change and the documentation is not yet finished.
    • The release note for "SIS Course Merge Teacher Initiated Section Association" will be included in our final release notes on July 6. Information about this feature is under embargo until that time.
    • @Tracy.W.238 we are looking into your question about "SIS Integration: Grades Passback". We'll share an update next week with with the information we've gathered.

    I hope this clears up some of the confusion!

  • Rebecca.F.235
    Rebecca.F.235 Posts: 20 Analytics Builder Transition


    With this in the July release:

    Brightspace Editor includes a new limitation of 2 million characters including hidden formatting for all Content files. This limitation applies to any content experience or when using Manage Files.

    What actually happens to pages that have gone over this limit? Is content removed? AN error?

  • Judy.B.556
    Judy.B.556 Posts: 60 admin

    July 2023/20.23.7 Preview Release Notes have been republished and include the following updates:

    Added on 28-June 2023 Added IPSIS – Streamline course management with SIS Course Merge| New release note.

    Added on 28-June 2023 Added IPSIS – Set up School Passport connections with new IPSIS Source System for PowerSchool | New release note.

    Added on 28-June 2023 Updated the LTI – Migration Log information limited to the last 90 days' data to improve user-friendliness | Updated release note to clarify information about the LTI 1.3 Migration log limit.

    Added on 28-June 2023 Updated the Quizzes – Redesigned quiz timing options to simplify workflows | Updated release note to rename it to Quizzes – Quiz Timing Improvements Featuring Auto-Submission | Updated and add more details about the improved quiz timing options.

    Added on 28-June 2023 Updated the Discussions – Consistent settings and interface of availability dates across Brightspace | Updated release note to replace an image with the animated GIF.

    Added on 28-June 2023 Updated the Video Assignments (Bongo) - AI Coach feature for Premium users | New release note with larger screenshots and new enablement information.

    Added on 28-June 2023 Added the LTI Links Shared Brightspace Data Set release announcement.

    June 2023/20.23.6 Release Notes have been republished and include the following update:

    Added on 28-June-2023 Updated the Course Import – Course Groups added to Course Import and Export packages | New feature to correct the description of the feature.

  • Claire.D.2
    Claire.D.2 Posts: 92 admin
    edited July 2023

  • Kyle.A.453
    Kyle.A.453 Posts: 1 🌱

    When will the new Quiz Timing changes take effect? I've been checking our environment and I still see the old options.

  • Mary.M.343
    Mary.M.343 Posts: 80 ⏸️ Inactive
    edited July 2023

    The August 2023/20.23.8 Preview Release Notes are now live and ready for review! 

    Please note, this is only a preview for the upcoming Brightspace version, which we will begin to roll out on August 3. All features described are subject to change before then.

    Thank you for your patience.

  • Mary.M.343
    Mary.M.343 Posts: 80 ⏸️ Inactive

    Hi @Kyle.A.453! The Quiz Timing changes are in the July release (Generally available July 6); however, depending on which regularly scheduled Continuous Delivery Wave you're on, you might not yet see those changes. For more information your update schedule, I suggest you consult with your in-house Brightspace Administrator, and refer to the 2023 Wave Schedule topic.

  • Claire.D.2
    Claire.D.2 Posts: 92 admin

    📣 August 2023/20.23.8 Release Notes are now live and ready for review in all languages!

  • Judy.B.556
    Judy.B.556 Posts: 60 admin

    September 2023/20.23.9 Preview Release Notes have been republished and include the following update:

    • Added the Brightspace Virtual Assistant – New localized icon | Updated feature.

    All other release notes have also been republished to resolve the broken images issue.

  • Zoe.E.620
    Zoe.E.620 Posts: 3 🌱

    Has anyone encountered issues with the new update to announcements (Aug release) where the announcements no longer dismiss when selecting the x to dismiss?

  • Hi @Zoe.E.620 - Regarding your inquiry about the Issues with the new announcement feature update (Ability to pin to the top of the announcement window). If you are encountering an issue where you can not dismiss the announcement; can I request you work with your LMS Admin to have a case created with D2L Support to have that triaged/investigated, please?

    We appreciate you advising us this is an issue so we can prioritize a solution for everyone.

    Thanks! Bruce

  • Jane.M.801
    Jane.M.801 Posts: 32 Analytics Builder Transition

    HI Bruce.B.64,

    We reported this in our Release Quality meeting w/ Megan Walker, Judy, B, etc. two weeks ago.


  • Thank you @Jane.M.801 & @Zoe.E.620 - I spoke with Release management this morning and they confirmed that has been fixed with customers in production environments that were updated between August 16 -18 & 23 - 25, 2023.

    This was published on August 14, 2023, and you should see this corrected in your lower environments in September 2023. If your environment was updated on August 10 or 11; this will be updated on September 14 - 15, 2023 (or during an upcoming hotfix, whichever comes sooner).

    Let us know if you have any additional questions - Bruce

  • Jane.M.801
    Jane.M.801 Posts: 32 Analytics Builder Transition

    Thank you, Bruce! Good to know. We get our prod Aug update tonight.
    MSDL is meeting today, so I'll mention to all then, also!

  • Zoe.E.620
    Zoe.E.620 Posts: 3 🌱

    Thanks, Bruce appreciate the update!

  • Keegan.P.699
    Keegan.P.699 Posts: 4 ⏸️ Inactive
    edited August 2023

    August 2023/20.23.8 Release Notes have been republished to include the following change:

    Added on 24-August-2023 Updated the Announcements – Pin announcements to top of Announcement widget and tool pages | New release note to clarify that pinned global announcements appear before other pinned announcements. Non-pinned global and in-course announcements appear after pinned announcements in chronological order.

This discussion has been closed.