Links in rubrics no longer work for Learners

When I am logged into BS as a Super Admin and I go to Course Admin, Rubrics and I click on a link in a rubric it works. When I click on the same link as a Learner in Assignments it doesn't work. This is a new issue, it started happening a few weeks ago.
This is the rubric with the links:
This is the error message I get as a Learner:
Has anyone else encountered this problem recently?
Hello @Hannie.v.731! Thank you so much for reaching out and sharing this concern. It appears that learners are encountering issues accessing links within rubrics, while administrators can access them without problems. It may be due to differences in permission of the rubrics. According to this documentation "As of January 2023, the "See Rubrics" permission is no longer required by learners to see rubric feedback and should be limited to instructor/evaluator roles only. If you remove the "See Rubrics" permission for a user, that user will not see the Rubrics tool on the navbar."
If the issue persists after checking these settings, I would recommend that you, as an Approved Support Contact, can raise this ticket with the D2L Support Team:
Hope this helps!