Availability of a leaderboard add-in?

John.T.67 Posts: 36
edited March 2024 in Higher Ed / Postsecondary

I was able to add a leaderboard (based on total points earned) to my old Blackboard course but that 3rd party add-in (from another college prof who shared his work) is not compatible with Brightspace. The students really liked having the leaderboard that was automatically updated as students earned points. It was engaging and motivational for most students, showing how many points each student had earned but maintaining confidentiality so individual students could see their point total but no one else (except the instructor) could see other student names associated with the points. QUESTION: Is anyone using a comparable leaderboard in Brighspace that's auto-updated as students earn points? I could create a leaderboard that requires manual updating but I don't want to spend time, etc. to keep it current. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


  • Hi John,

    The Awards Leaderboard widget sounds like exactly what you need. It displays the top 10 users who have earned badges in the course. Instructors with permissions can configure the Awards leaderboard to display the learners with either the highest Number of Awards or Credits appearing at the top. It is part of the Homepage Widget Expansion Pack add on. I would you contact your Brightspace Administrator to see if this available at your institution.



  • John.T.67
    John.T.67 Posts: 36

    Thank you for the info. Can it be modified to show more than just the top 10 users? I usually have about 50 students in my course.

  • It will only show the top 10, but if a user is not in the top 10, when they see it, it will have them hovering on the bottom with their rank.