Content Cannot be Rendered

I have gone in as a student to test the course and quizzes. I receive the message "This content item cannot be rendered" for some of the quizzes, yet they are all set to be visible to students.
Do you know why this is and what I can do about it?
Hi @Yeslech
Are you able to share how the quizzes were created? Typically that error indicates an issue with permissions at some level.
It may be best to contact our Support team to provide specifics and work through resolving the issue.
The quizzes that "cannot be rendered" were ported over from a different host platform.
Do you know if those quizzes will/will not be able to be rendered for students??? I have been testing the quizzes one by one and they are working for me that way. I need to know that students will be able take the quizzes though :)
Can you let me know how to contact the Support team?
Sorry I missed your last reply, but I noticed you posted again but it does not appear that you received the answer you were looking for yet.
Were you able to engage with support on this issue?
Your organization does have the Virtual Assistant enabled within the platform so you can click the Get Help button, type your question and if it was unable to locate documentation answering your question, an option to Contact Support is available where you can input your details and have a case created. Support should be able to help review the site configurations and role permissions in place and recommend adjustments if needed.
Otherwise, if the quizzes
@Christin.w.370 it seems like the quizzes will render for students, but just not in my student view… Not all of my courses have students in them at this time, so I'll find out for sure in the future!