Monthly AIG events updates

This is where we will post the details for each AIG meeting. If you bookmark this thread, you will receive all the new updates by email.
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Hoping to see you at our next meeting!
Thanks @Carin Hea33
I’m giving this a try. I hope it works.
Here is the info for the upcoming
March Accessibility Interest Group meeting. I hope this works and everybody who bookmarked this thread got it.
Here is the info about March's AIG meeting. The event
Here is the info for Our April Accessibility Interest Group meeting. Hope to see you there.
Welcome to our May Accessibility Interest Group Meeting. The topic of the session is 'Future of Neurodiversity'.
Here is the information for our June Accessibility Interest Group meeting. I hope to see you there. I know people have enjoyed Dr. Sukhai's talks before.
Here is a link to the August Accessibility Interest Group meeting. Apologies for changing the time to August 2. There was a scheduling conflict. Hope to see you there
Here is a link to the September Accessibility Interest Group meeting, back to its usual spot on the first Thursday of the month at 11:00 a.m. Eastern. Hope to see you there!
Hi everyone. Just letting you know about our October Accessibility Interest Group meeting. I hope to see everybody there.
Here is a link to the upcoming November Accessibility Interest Group meeting. I hope to see you there!
Here is the details for December's Accessibility Interest Group meeting, which also celebrates the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Hope to see you there!
Here is the link to the February Accessibility Interest Group meeting. I hope you can make it.
Here is the link to the March Accessibility Interest Group meeting. Hope to see you there.
Join us for our April Accessibility Interest Group meeting on April 4th at 11am ET!
Hi everybody. Just a quick reminder that since we're having our annual Glad to be GAAD event on May 16 at noon Eastern in honour of Global Accessibility Awareness Day, we decided to cancel this month's Accessibility Interest Group meeting. I hope you all can make it on the 16th.
Here is the info for the June Accessibility Interest Group meeting. Also I will try to attach the calendar invite here since it doesn't seem to be attaching to the actual invite. Apologies. Or if it was attaching, apologies for the many duplicates that might be there.
Just a quick reminder that there will be no Accessibility Interest Group meeting next week since we're getting ready for Fusion. But before I forget, here is a copy of the deck from June's meeting. Hope to see you all in August!
Here is the information on our August meeting. Hope to see you there.
Here is the info for the September Accessibility Interest Group meeting. I hope you will join us for some good discussion. I hope to see you Thursday.
Here is the info for our October Accessibility Interest Group meeting. Hope to see you there.
Would love to attend! What time zone is this referring to? 10:00? Thank you!
Is it OK to share this meeting with our members who are on an accessibility task force? I wanted to ask beforehand. Thank you!
Sure. Go ahead and share this one. Thanks for asking.
And with regards to Colleen's comment, it's Eastern timezone, so 11:00 Eastern Daylight time.
Here is the info for the November Accessibility Interest Group meeting. Hope you can make it.
Here is the link to our December meeting, in honour of the United Nations International Day of Persons with Disabilities! I hope you can make it.
Here is the info on our February meeting. Hope to see you there.