Can my progress meter on my table of contents show assignments instead of topics?
I have removed the display for now but it is confusing to show 'topics' and have students think that they have finished a topic when there are still assignments to complete. I want the progress meter to show 'assignments' in that table of contents widget instead. Is there a way to do that?
Is it possible to copy the Single Profile Widget from course to course?
Hi. We are using Classic Content. When we copy an entire course, we noticed that the Single profile widget does not copy into the course. Also, when we go to Import/Export Copy Components, we do not see an option to copy this individual component either. Our instructors have had to re-set it up for each course. (Note: we…
Is the Bookmarks feature limited to the (classic) content experience?
I'm new to using Brightspace VLE. We are using the New Content Experience in Brightspace. I have seen documentation that refers to a bookmarking feature where students can bookmark content to return to. However, I cannot see this in the course Content. There is 'Bookmarks' option on the 'Content Browser' homepage widget,…
jQuery issues with Widgets
Hello community, My team and I have a custom widget that was working properly until last week. After trial and error my coworker found that updating the jQuery link version(1.11.3) to (2.2.4). Once updated, the widget started working again. I would like to ask if someone has had similar experiences, do you have a jQuery…
Quiz Printer Widget Limitations
Has anyone else installed the new Quiz Printer Widget? We recently discovered two limitations that are not listed in the known issues. First, if you have more than 20 quizzes in the course, only the first 20 will appear in the widget. (This isn't too bad as instructors can re-order them to see the other quizzes, but it's…
WIdget Coding
Hi Team, I want to create a admin widget which allows for two files to be added and then compared to find the rows with changed data and then use APIs to update the user attributes in Brightspace. DOes anyone have anything like this built currently? Thanks Beck
Can instructors share homepages?
I know that in the course export options part of the homepage can be shared. I am particularly interested in sharing a homepage layout template as an instructor. When I export my widget homepage, the banner and similar settings transfer, but my widget selection and placement does not. I'd like to avoid duplicating work. At…
How do I make the most of widgets for our website. I want to learn new ways to use it. Noelle Byer UFCW Canada
How to disconnect "Welcome widget?
How do i close "welcome widget" on my log in to my course (and not delete it or stop it for students?
How to Dynamically Pull the UserID of the Logged-In User
I have created a widget that pulls data for the logged-in user such as course progress but the widget will display unique data depending on what student is logged in. I am trying to dynamically pull the user_id of the student logged in viewing the widget but I am getting stuck on what the current variable is for the User…
How to use APIs in Custom Widgets
I am attempting to use this endpoint: https://(our brightspace sandbox).brightspace.com/d2l/api/lp/1.9/enrollments/users/(test user ID that exists and has valid enrollments)/orgUnits Purpose - Create a Custom Widget that will allow students to see any Inactive Courses they are enrolled in by parsing JSON responses to pull…
Google Reviews: link is blocked
Hi! I've made a custom widget in wich we've used our "Ask for more reviews"-link from our Google Business Profile as a hyperlink in a button in Brightspace, so our users can leave a review if they want. However, when clicking on the button the new window says "g.page is blocked - g.page refuses to make a connection -…
Are Welcome Windows recurring or do they only appear when a student visits the course initially?
Do welcome widgets pop up every time a student enters the course or does it only pop up when the stduent opens the course for the first time? If it only pops up the first time, is it possible to configure it to pop up every time a student enters the course?
I need to add widgets on the right side of my homepage of the brightspace above "what to do" widge.
Can I change a widget's background color without the Homepage Widget Expansion Pack?
Can I change a widget's background color without the Homepage Widget Expansion Pack?
Email to Instructor Widget
Hello, How do I make widget so students can directly email their Professors/instructors by clicking on it? I tried creating using the HTML but found no replacement strings for instructors' email addresses. Is there any other ways? Thank you
Replacement for Slim Announcements
Hello, Is there a replacement or something similar to the slim announcement widget? We are looking for an announcement widget that doesn't take up the whole course home page when an instructor posts a long announcement, but rather prompts the student to "read more" so the learner see the rest of the widget on the homepage…
Hide part of module description in visual table of contents
Hello, I have images with image credits on my module description pages, but I do not want the image credit to appear on the back of the module tile when the info button is clicked. Is there a way to achieve this? Please see the composite image attached - home page tile from and back are to the right. Thanks, Courtney