How do you edit a tutor profile
Hello I'm an administrator and I need to add tutor details and a picture to the tutor widget (see below) but I can't work out how to edit the space. Can you help? Many thanks Debbie
How to integrate Integrity Advocate proctoring with a quiz in a course.
I am setting up a new course and need to integrate proctoring with the final quiz. I am trying to add a widget to the homepage to link the quiz to the proctoring system, but my IA widget isn't showing up on the homepage.
Widget banners
I am wondering how to sync the visual TOC widgets in my course with the course name widget at the top of the course. I'd like them to all be the same photo. I remember being able to do this in the past, but now it's a mess and everything looks different. Thoughts?
Change Banner Image on Organization Homepage
Our organization's homepage needs a fresh look. How do I change the banner image on the homepage?
Inquiry on Constructing Deep Links for D2L Pulse App
Hi everyone, I'm currently enhancing our Brightspace widgets and need help constructing deep links for the Pulse app. We use various API calls to get URLs for navigating to specific parts of Brightspace (like courses, announcements, due dates, and assignments), but we want these to open directly in the Pulse app on mobile…
Why does the Visual TOC widget image not match the course banner image?
Hi - For some reason the Visual Table of Contents (TOC) widget image does not match the course banner image - for all my courses. However, this is not the case for other people who are enrolled in the course - the images do match for them. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Created a Custom Widget for Pulse Mobile App Download
I have a course that the majority of users access on their mobile devices, so I've created a customized Widget to download the Pusle Mobile App, which on a single-click takes learners directly to either the App Store or Google Play. It just took some time to make it look uniform. I originally searched for a System Widget…
Module subfolders not working
Until recently, I was able to group my content into this pattern (using module/lesson folders) - Module 1, Week 1, Lesson 1. This is working up to Module 4, Week 14, Lesson…. At Week 14 my Content Builder stops transferring to the Content page, AND I'm no longer able to set up a module with subfolder/lessons Please see…
single profile widget
My single profile widget will not open to allow me to edit and add my personal information and picture.
How do you create a Social Wall?
I participated in the Virtual Fusion Conference and am wondering about the "Social Wall" that was on their homepage. Is that something we can create?
I cannot for the life of me edit the widgets!
I just created a course shell, and I have read several forums on how to edit widgets, but my course shell simply isn't giving me the options to edit the widgets or home page at all. I've watched videos on how to do it, and it seems like my course is missing important links. Please help!
How to use APIs in a Widget?
I'm trying to present some useful information in a widget. - How many students have accessed that course - How many students have accessed a particular content item - Can we include User Attributes such as Gender? Not sure where to start. Is this even possible within a widget? Thanks in advance for your help.
Single Profile Widget Picture Not Showing
Greetings! There was a time when I could see my picture in the Single Profile Widget that is show on the main page. I use Firefox and have set up my sites the New Experience mode. I am told that others can see the picture, but I am puzzled by the fact that I can't see it. I've embedded images in other parts of my sites and…
allow-same-origin flag in your iframes for custom widgets?
I want to create a custom widget where in I add a script for a third party js widget so it would render in my course home page. But currently i'm getting an error as follows: `DOMException: Failed to read the 'cookie' property from 'Document': The document is sandboxed and lacks the 'allow-same-origin' flag.` `cannot set…
Widget Config for Visual Table of Contents not working
Hello, I'm trying to figure out how to customize the Visual Table of Contents widget, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to get my changes to appear. I thought it was a syntax error but when I tried a different one it returns "Invalid JSON." The screenshot I attached is a line I input that seemed to work (in that it…
Widget - embedding link to third party platform
Kia ora, good morning, Any hints on successfully embedding code from a third party (Typeform in this case) into a custom widget? No troubles with the embed code displaying expected content in course content however in a custom widget the content begins to display but doesn't entirely load - snip below. Have also tried…
Custom Hosted Widget Replacement
Soon the Custom Hosted Widgets should be replaced with System Widgets. However, I still haven't read anything about the inability to attach Release Conditions to System Widgets, while they are currently attached to the Custom Hosted Widgets. I still do not see how this will work in the new situation? Are Release Conditions…
Missing Resources
I was watching the webinar "Custom Widgets and Tools using API Calls" () and it referred to resources that would be made available. I am unable to find them. Does anyone know where they might be?
How do I replace a video in the Welcome Widget?
We currently have a 2 page welcome widget that includes a video. I need to upload a new video but the Customize widget "…" link does not work for me. Would appreciate where to find instructions for doing this. Can't seem to find anything in D2L community or even in google.
Course banner and homepage widget
Is there a way to change the course banner without it affecting the homepage widget? We are updating to the New Learner Experience but when doing that all of our course banners need to be edited, which then messes up the homepage widget as well. We're hoping to keep our current widgets on the homepage and just update the…