Which formative assessment tool do you find easiest to use and/or most user friendly?
Hello Community, I currently am building my first Brightspace course. I am striving for it to be interactive and user friendly. I was wondering if anyone has an opinion on which tools are the most user friendly among the following: surveys, polls and/or discussion boards? Our school also is looking into having Padlet as an…
Learning types?
Is Online learning better than physically learning?
Survey Questions - Mandatory vs Optional?
I've manually created a survey in D2L for my students (I am not using the question library). However, I can’t find the setting to make one of my survey questions non-mandatory (ie optional) for my students… Any ideas, folks? Thanks in advance! James
Is it possible to auto-email Learners about reminders to course sessions?
I know how to email a classlist, but I'm wondering if it's possible to set up automatic email reminders? We have course series where there is only one class session per month, and it would be helpful to have automatic reminders instead of having to manually email reminders every month. Same with the reminders for the post…
Why do my edits to a survey not show up for learners?
I have updated a pre existing survey in one of my courses but when a learner views the survey, the changes have not been applied. Why is this?
How can I download survey completion summaries?
Implementing a Likert Scale Assessment
Hello, Has anyone had success implementing a Likert Scale assessment into their course? I know you can create Likert questions from within the Question Library and import them to a Survey, but are their other ways to do this within a course? Is it possible to assign point values to responses so students can get a sum total…
Is there a way to pull survey data for multiple courses through the data hub?
The Advanced Data Set for Survey Results looks to pull only one Org unit ID at a time. Any information is appreciated. Thank you, Kathleen Benn
Survey question
Do any other instructors have problems that students cannot open your End of Course Survey? Do you know whom to contact? Thanks. Mrs. D
Survey Data Collection
Hello, I lead 10-15 sections of a first-year orientation course, and I used surveys to collect some pre/post information from students. Is there any way to collect individual student responses from each section of the course (each has its own Brightspace course shell) without downloading each individual student's response?…
Student Evaluations of Instructors
Hello, We currently use the Brightspace Survey tool to administer our Student Evaluations of Instructors survey. This can be time-consuming for our Curriculum Support person, and we are hoping to find out how others are administering their SEIs. Is there a way to copy surveys to more than one course at a time or multiple…
groups at org level
We are trying to create a work around for course evaluations for our organization. We have a request to only allow certain roles to access certain surveys. However because we have integrated with our SIS system their top level enrollment for department chairs is set at instructor. I enrolled them in their specific…
How to fix "Internal Error"
Hi! Can you please help me fix this message? At least one student has been able to access this page, but another student cannot.
Hello we would like to implement the surveys tools for course evaluation (feedback). I have created a survey which can be access via the icon in the navigation bar but the survey itself isn't accessible (clickable). I have made it visible to users under 'More actions' but not sure what else to do to make it visible/active?
How can we access attachments on Survey responses?
An instructor created a survey with a written response question configured to allow students to upload a file. She wanted them to anonymously submit this file as peer reviews. But now that students have submitted, we can't find a way to see their uploaded/attached files as responses. They don't appear in Statistics or any…
exporting survey as excel file
I want to export a survey to excel where each respondent's responses are visible across across his or her respective row and the column cells are ordered with respect to each prompt on the survey. How do I do this?
What is the best way to set up Surveys for all existing courses?
I've been asked to produce a survey for all 6000 courses. I was thinking of using the Copy to Other Courses as a method to distribute. Are there any other options without so much manual processing?
Course Evaluation
We have been requested to use Brightspace to create and distribute course evaluations. The request is that the survey's themselves live within the organization unit and that we provide a link within the course page for students to access the survey. We want to do this because we don't want instructors to look at results…
Training Survey for System Administrators: We Want to Hear From You
Are you a Brightspace System Administrator? Do you use Brightspace Admin Tools and are interested in learning more? If any of these describe you, the D2L Brightspace Training Team wants your input! Please take this short, six question survey and share your thoughts about a potential new training offering. The survey will…