Is there an icon on the Enter Grades page that shows students in progress in a quiz?
In the Blackboard original Grade Centre, there is an icon (a little blue pie chart) that indicates students are in progress with a Test. Since the Grade Centre displays the whole class, it is a convenient way to monitor how many students are currently completing a Test in Blackboard. Is there a way to enable something…
Has anyone gotten a question mark on a Quiz?
I have an instructor who is getting this error message on a Quiz under the content tab. He needed to adjust a question (which he could through the quiz itself). However, this specific question pool didn't show up in his question library. Every other pool was there except this one. Could someone offer assistance to help me…
Please address problems with pagination in quizzes
I cannot understate how frustrating it is to not be able to use "Sections" to break up my quiz content where I want. Not everyone wants to use 5 or 10 questions per page. Not everyone wants a break after every question. Not everyone wants one long page of questions. The rigidity of the current system is having a…
Rounding to the nearest 100
Hi there, I have an arithmetic question in BrightSpace where students are required to round to the nearest hundred. Round {a} to the nearest hundred. I was just wondering what the formula should be for this question for it to work correctly. At the moment, the formula is round({a}), but all the answers are coming up as 0.…
View quiz results if quiz is hidden
Our nursing department sets up their quizzes with Respondus LockDown Browser, puts a password on the quiz, and sets the results view to a limited 15 minutes viewing time after quiz submission. Previously, the instructor would wait until all of the students were in the quiz, then they would hide the quiz from users. That…
Quizzes - broken image while editing
In the Quizzes tool, if you add an inline image to a question with the editor, the image will appear as a broken image with only the alt text displayed if you preview the quiz, the image is displayed.
Want a true "can exceed" grade posted
While it seems like the "can exceed" function should work for exactly this situation, I can't get it to function properly. I have a quiz that has questions totaling 120 points. I want the maximum score to actually be 120 out of 100…grade inflation in action. If I set the maximum points to be 100 and check "can exceed,"…
Review a student's self-assessment
As an instructor I want to view a student's self-assessment. This seems not possible. Why is that? Or am I missing something? Basically I want to create a course or lessen 'check in' to see how my students feel about themselves regarding their course progress with the help of different kind of question (types). A quiz…
no 'start quiz' button
a student has javascript enabled, reset their browser to factory defaults but is not getting the 'start quiz' button, does anyone have any advice/troubleshooting tips? thank you!
Advanced Functionality for Quizzes (Arithmetic)
Hello, I am wondering if there are any plans to improve the functionality of arithmetic questions for Brightspace Quizzes. We have recently moved our assignments over from the LON-CAPA system to Brightspace to consolidate our courseware; however, we are finding the arithmetic question programming quite limiting. It would…
Print submitted quiz attempt to PDF?
One of our faculty needs to print a submitted quiz attempt for an in-person review with a student. Brightspace doesn't offer an in-house option for exporting this to a usable format and the browser Print to PDF function results in parts of some questions/answer selections being covered by the navigation interface at the…
How do you setup quizzes that require mathematical calculations?
Hi Brightspace community! Throwing out a thought to ask about how the community conducts quizzes that require the grading of mathematical calculations. Pen and paper submissions are the traditional way, but we are looking into digital submissions. A hybrid method we have come across is requiring students to submit the…
Bug Report: FIB Type (offset)
Sorry, not sure where bug reports go. Might already be posted, but could not find info on. In the FIB Type, if you had a second line of text the cloze space jumps a line, and appears off set (starts a new <P>) below the text. results in I'm trying to convert a Moodle site to D2L and since D2L does not yet have a Pull Down…
Can i add a new certificate to a currently live course with release conditions attached to quizzes
I have a live course with a current certificate and old accreditation numbers on it, I need a new certificate added with new accreditation details, but do not want people who completed this previously to get a new certificate. If I add a certificate attached to quiz completions, how can i ensure only a new batch of…
Request for Help with Legend for Quiz Icons in D2L
I hope this message finds everyone well. I have set up quiz questions in my D2L course so that when a quiz is published, the D2L system displays the following to learners: The correct answers to the displayed question. The learner’s response to the displayed question. The learner's grade for the displayed question. Some…
Where are the new question types?
While I was interested to read about the "Release of the New Quiz Evaluation Experience", I was disappointed to see no related plans to improve the range of question types available on the platform or the workflows required to create them. In fact, with the removal of support for Ordering and Matching, the update now…
Quiz Attempt Log
When viewing the attempt logs for one of my quizzes, I noticed that all the columns—Quiz Entry, Quiz Completion, Quiz Attempt Deleted, and Quiz Attempt Restored—display the same date and time for 25 students. However, when I review each individual attempt, I see varying times that align better with expected activity.…
Tracking students' quiz progress by referring to the orange notifications on the Grades page?
Hi D2L community, Does anyone else here use the orange dot method to track quiz progress of students? & Has anyone encountered the issue where the orange dot disappears but the students quiz progress is still underway? A few lecturers I know of tend to track students' quiz progress status via the Grades page (i.e. the one…
How do I obtain an IP log of a quiz
I've looked at the Quiz Attempt Log but there is no option for IP Log. How do I get this?
Quiz Instructions Default Text
How do you change the following text for quizzes in Brightspace? Instructions Before you submit the quiz, you will have the opportunity to return to questions that you may have missed or have not yet answered. You can submit your quiz responses at any time. I have my quizzes set to only allow 1 attempt, but the last…