"Show Password" icon be available even when quizzes are done in Respondus Lockdown browser?
We noticed that for a standard Brightspace Quiz (no LDB), users are able to click on the "Show Password" icon to check if they have typed in the correct password. But when the quiz is opened in Respondus lockdown browser, the functionality is gone. Users are unable to check what password they had typed, and numerous…
where can i find quiz question converter
I want to find out where the quiz question converter is
Code highlighting and randomized answers when importing questions into Question Library via CSV?
I want to bulk upload questions for a final programming exam that I have written in the CSV format (referencing the information in this article). I can use the <code> tag to format the code answer choices, but they render only in monospace font, not using the Java syntax highlighting as when I manually click "Insert Code"…
Can an award be triggered on some but not all quizzes or dropboxes?
We have a client who would like learners to reflect either via dropbox or Written Response. These will not be graded and they will only need to complete 5 out of 8. Therefore there will be 8 quizzes or dropboxes to choose from and will only need to pick 5. Is there an option for D2L to release a certificate using an…
Has anyone been encountering problems with Release Conditions lately?
I was wondering how to control the visibility of assignment submission folders and quizzes according to sections. I have attached released conditions to a Teacher Facilitator role so that they can only see assignment and quiz submissions specific to their section, but for some reason, they can still see all assignment…
Quizes and Assessments
Good day, Is it possible to set ungraded quizzes and assignments or is that a standard requirement?
Assignment submissions past the due date
Assignments submitted after the due date should not overwrite the 0 (or other grade) put in at the due date. This defeats the whole purpose of having due dates on assignments.
Knowledge Checks - Answer Option Explanations
Hi, we are using Knowledge Checks as part of our courses on Brightspace. We have set up Knowledge checks with 10 questions each and feedback for the answers. Is there an explainer table of what each of the symbols mean when a learners clicks on "Check Answers". See screenshot attached. The correct answers here are 2, 3 and…
Why do some of the questions in my quizzes disappear?
I have set up a number of quizzes and when I go back to look at them I have noticed that some of the questions have disappeared. What could be causing this?
leaving quizzes open so students can see their submission
I should not have to leave a quiz open (visible) for students to see the questions and answers on their submission. Their answers should be in their grades entirely separate from their access to quiz attempts.
QType — Description — Need a break between Sections when there are no Questions in a Section
I need students to be able to read some text. Then move to a new Section (next page) with questions. I can only add my reading to a new Section, but even though I create a new Section (and have selected "Add page break after every section") — there is no page break between the two. I have found if I add a Section with a…
Submission View for multiple choice questions in Quizzes is not intuitive
Here’s the submission view for a multiple choice question on a quiz I took recently: This does not feel very intuitive. I asked a few of my friends, and they also said that they also have a hard time deciphering their feedback on multiple choice quiz questions. It’s also not very accessible as a result. Keeping it’s…
Is there an icon on the Enter Grades page that shows students in progress in a quiz?
In the Blackboard original Grade Centre, there is an icon (a little blue pie chart) that indicates students are in progress with a Test. Since the Grade Centre displays the whole class, it is a convenient way to monitor how many students are currently completing a Test in Blackboard. Is there a way to enable something…
Has anyone gotten a question mark on a Quiz?
I have an instructor who is getting this error message on a Quiz under the content tab. He needed to adjust a question (which he could through the quiz itself). However, this specific question pool didn't show up in his question library. Every other pool was there except this one. Could someone offer assistance to help me…
Please address problems with pagination in quizzes
I cannot understate how frustrating it is to not be able to use "Sections" to break up my quiz content where I want. Not everyone wants to use 5 or 10 questions per page. Not everyone wants a break after every question. Not everyone wants one long page of questions. The rigidity of the current system is having a…
Rounding to the nearest 100
Hi there, I have an arithmetic question in BrightSpace where students are required to round to the nearest hundred. Round {a} to the nearest hundred. I was just wondering what the formula should be for this question for it to work correctly. At the moment, the formula is round({a}), but all the answers are coming up as 0.…
View quiz results if quiz is hidden
Our nursing department sets up their quizzes with Respondus LockDown Browser, puts a password on the quiz, and sets the results view to a limited 15 minutes viewing time after quiz submission. Previously, the instructor would wait until all of the students were in the quiz, then they would hide the quiz from users. That…
Want a true "can exceed" grade posted
While it seems like the "can exceed" function should work for exactly this situation, I can't get it to function properly. I have a quiz that has questions totaling 120 points. I want the maximum score to actually be 120 out of 100…grade inflation in action. If I set the maximum points to be 100 and check "can exceed,"…
Review a student's self-assessment
As an instructor I want to view a student's self-assessment. This seems not possible. Why is that? Or am I missing something? Basically I want to create a course or lessen 'check in' to see how my students feel about themselves regarding their course progress with the help of different kind of question (types). A quiz…