Can moodle Calculated (and similar) question types be imported with functions intact?
My university has migrated to Brightspace. I was previously using moodle. I teach statistics. I have hundreds of "calculated" type questions in my moodle question library. Some seem similar to "Arithmetic" questions in Brightspace. Others seem more like "Significant Digits" questions. So far, after importing the moodle…
I need to import the Quiz as excl file
I need to import the Quiz as excl file
Roadmap question: What kinds of question types will this AI generate?
The following was taken from the Product Roadmap for Fiscal Year 2025 Q1: Artificial Intelligence: Generate Quiz Questions | Beta Program - Restricted |Easily generate assessment questions using your Brightspace content with AI technology. D2L is committed to providing users with AI-powered tools, streamlining content…
In FIB questions, how to keep blanks in the same line of the question?
Hello, I have troubles formating Fill in the Blank questions. Sometimes the blank box goes in the same line as the sentence it is part of, and sometimes it goes to the next line. Sometimes the part of the sentence that follows the blank is in the same line as the blank, and sometimes in the next line. How can I format the…
How do I see, and modify a Question ID?
One of the things I hate the most about the question bank in brightspace is that you cannot see the question ID and the text of the question and the same time in the question bank unless you make the name of the question include both. We use a specific coding for our questions to align them to specific curriculum…
How to make a question library available across courses?
Is there a way to make my question library available across multiple courses? I frequently create questions, categories, etc. that I want to reuse in multiple courses during the same semester, and I'm hoping for functionality like I've had in past LMSes: having a question library that exists outside a particular course,…
Updated Quiz Questions in Library are not Updating in Quiz Pool
Hello, I am making updates to questions in the question library then saving in both the library and quiz pool when prompted. However, when I preview my quiz, the updates are not populating at all. How can I fix this without remaking my quiz pools each time?
(asked a question, found the answer on my own)
Issue with question pools without Question Library.
We ran into an interesting scenario: an instructor created a quiz with a question pool, pulling from the question library in a course A. Great! Then they copied the quiz only, not the question library into another course B. The quiz copied just fine, and the pool is visible, but the questions are only (??) contained within…
Transtion from Mobius and Moodle to D2L
Hi, I need to convert exam formula questions from Mobius and Moodle to D2L. Will there be an easy way? Or would I need to save the questions into word files? Thanks, Carisa
Is there any way to export a question library either to an excel file, or even better, word?
I am working on a project and we are having the content translated, but the translation service is not familar with brightspace or even really html. So, clearly, I would prefer to provide either word or excel files that can be translated, and then update our content in the french master. So, is there any way to export my…
Excel file in quiz question won't open for one learner
If a learner is struggling to open an excel file attached to a quiz question, is a browser block on pop ups etc. the reason for it? No other student has experienced this issue.
How do you COPY Questions from the Question Library into another folder in the same Library?
How do you COPY Questions from the Question Library into another folder in the same Library?
Quiz Statistics - Question Pool Question Stats
Could someone please explain why the standard deviation, discrimination index, and point biserial data cannot be generated on quizzes that use a Question Pool? I understand that this is a known issue and that use of the insights portal can be used as an alternative, but I need assistance explaining it to an inquisitive…
Updates from the quiz library are not reflected in the quiz
An instructor updated a multiple-choice question in her Quiz Library by adding an image. (She made the update in her template.) She then copied the template into her live course. However, the updated image does not appear in the Quiz Library or the quiz in the live course. I've attached an image of the graphic she added.…
Quiz Question Pool / Library
Is there a way to download all questions from a question pool so that offline review can be done, rather than reviewing each question within BS?
New Quiz to Question Library?
If you make a quick quiz by Create New and manually type in 5 questions. Can you then Import that into the Question Library for self assessment for final exam studying?
Is there any API for Question Library?
Is there any API for Question Library? I checked the documentation but couldn't see it. I also tried to use the existing endpoint but it doesn't return questions if they are part of the question library. GET: /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/quizzes/(quizId)/questions/
Migrating from Sakai?
Welcome Sakaigers, you come from an amazing community of folks across Higher Ed who made a big impact in the post-secondary LMS space when change was needed, and the Sakai community has allied with D2L before. Some things that might help you: Importing Courses: Server-side/Admin-only Sakai archives can be imported into…