I've deleted a Q from my question library but the Q still appears in Quizzes. Any way to update?

I have a question library with a set of questions - let's name this set as 'Topic 1 Quiz Questions'.
'Topic 1 Quiz Questions' has 10 questions. I've created multiple quizzes and selected all 10 questions from 'Topic 1 Quiz Questions' to be used in the question pool.
A few months later, I had to delete one question from 'Topic 1 Quiz Questions'. But I realised that the deleted question still shows up in the associated quizzes.
Does Brightspace have a feature to "auto-update" this change? Or do I have to go into the associated quizzes and manually delete that question?
Appreciate your advice. Thank you!
Edit 1: Just found that this has been posted in PIE before - D1825.
Unfortunately, deleting questions from the Question Library does not cause them to be deleted from the quizzes in which they have been used.
I have found a more up-to-date feature request in PIE addressing the workflow you are proposing which indeed would be a great addition to managing quizzes.\
When deleting item from question library, give option to delete from associated quizzes. (D7460)
I recommend you upvote it as well so it can be reviewed by D2L's dev team.