Intelligent Agent and Groups

Nancy.W.979 Posts: 4 🌱
edited February 19 in Higher Ed / Postsecondary

I have an assignment set up with 1 group. All students in the course are in the 1 group. Why? Because I want all students to see each others work and the feedback I provide using the annotation tools. All students are required to upload a paper to the assignment box. I want to set up an intelligent agent to inform me each time a student uploads to this group assignment box. I cannot seem to get this to work. Anyone know how?


  • Hi Nancy,

    Here are the steps I followed:

    • Created my groups, and created my group assignments
    • Create an intelligent agent, making sure to set the following parameters:
      • Scheduling > Frequency > Daily (Repeats Every: 1 day)
      • Criteria > Users with specific roles (I selected the "Student" role)
      • Release Conditions > Submits to folder: Group Assignment folder
      • Actions> Repetition > Take action every time the agent is evaluated and the agent's criteria are satisfied for a user
      • Send an Email when the criteria are satisfied (Add your email as To, Subject, and create your message. Tip: Within your message body, use replace strings to give you info like which org unit the email is coming from (helpful if you teach multiple courses) and who submitted to what assignment folder)
    • If you have a test student account for testing purposes, login as them and submit to the group folder. Then, from the context menu of the IA you just set up, select Practice Run. If all goes well, you will get an IA shortly. Then, you can make sure to enable your IA and sit back/relax.

  • Nancy.W.979
    Nancy.W.979 Posts: 4 🌱

    Thanks Brielle. This is exactly how I have it set-up actually, except for hourly frequency. But instead of working the way I want it to, I just get 20 emails (every student) every hour saying that there was a submission. Even though there is no new submission. Frustrating. But instead, I changed it in the assignment settings under "submission", I included a notification email. This is working now. I was just excited about using the Intelligent Agent, but it did not work for my needs.