Export grade report - more fields required
Hello I've set up the grade function on our Business Law virtual master course but frustratingly the export function only gives the option of exporting the fields here and below: To be of any value to us we need to know: Which course the grades relate to (course name and code) What date the grade was added (grades progress…
How to prevent courses from blackbaud in previous year to show up in brightspace, which syncs daily
For the 23-24 school, within Blackbaud, we did all the “usual steps” in terms of graduating/promoting the students up for the 24-25 school year. That was done in June 2024. Brightspace syncs nightly from Blackbaud, and we’ve just learned that the 23-24 school year is still active in Brightspace, populating all those…
Brightspace Data Sets Updates
Hi BDS lovers! Bookmark this discussion to receive an automated email when new Brightspace Data Sets updates are announced in Keeping on top of Brightspace Data Sets updates. If you have questions about these announcements, we’d love to hear from you in this thread!
User login data
Is it possible to pull user login data for a whole year? I've gone into data hub and can see the data set for user login but it seems to do it by day. I want to pull an average of how often people are logging in every week but don't massively want to have to do it via loads of spreadsheets. It also seems to only go back to…
Web Filtering
I support a primary school which is looking to start using D2L Brightspace. I want to make sure their Smoothwall filtering system isn't blocking anything that they need, before they start using it. Is there anywhere I can obtain a list of URLs that need to be allowed through the web filtering system?
Is there a dataset that shows which content objects are optional/required?
I'm trying to find a list of all pages that are marked as optional. I searched Content data sets - Brightspace and didn't see a column that provides this detail.
API account creation, lookup returns 403 Forbidden
I've been experimenting with the retrieval of BDS data sets via Postman using some of the Brightspace collections and have been successful at that. However, I've now started trying to provision users via API calls, and my calls always return a 403 Forbidden, even when trying to look up a user. My auth and refresh tokens,…
Report for All Courses and Total Amount of Users
Hi, I am looking to print a report of all the course existing templates and all course offerings specifically to find the total number of users in each using the OrgUnitCode as the unique identifier.
Are there administrative data features where I can pull course stats?
I am wanting to gather data on the use of Brightspace at my university—we have online and in-person programs, so some instructors are hardly using Brightspace. I want to change that!! I am hoping to be able to view course data that could tell me which current semester courses have content in them and which course shells…
So is there a place where I can find a data model that links all the data sets together.
So I am trying to understand how all of the entities work together. I could pull all of the entity data set diagrams together but was wondering if a diagram exists that shows how it all works. I am most interested in grades, students, assignments, how long a student was engaged in the feedback, etc.
Outcomes Datasets
Hi, We are trying to build a dashboard in PowerBI, that shows which of our Learners have met or not met the outcomes on a course. However we are struggling to work out which datasets show which usersIDs have met each outcome. Does anyone know which dataset this is?
How can I verify that specific students have watched videos in an online asynchronous course?
How can I verify that specific students have watched videos in an online asynchronous course? Is there a way to run a detailed report listing how many times individual students have accessed a posted video? This was something I was easily able to do with Black Board.
Brightspace reporting
Dear all I am generalist Solutions architect.I do not work on D2L as such. our business users wants to see students grades and discussions/comments all in one place in a drilled down way. e,g when then click on a learner , they should be able to expand grades and discussion/comments for the student. As a SA, I want to know…
Using Standards
Are the standards available in one of the datasets?
Rank & Window Filtering in Analytics Builder?
In Analytics Builder I am struggling to understand how I might recreate a filtering technique I've used in the past. In order to get a dataset of current credit instructors and their courses, I'd use the Rank & Window function to get a number on the most recent action found in the Enrollment Details dataset (instructors…
API for comments and marks
Hi I have created a Rubric for commenting on learners at a subject and at a learner level. I want to extract all such comments for each subjects and learners learning that subject/course Is there way to achieve Thanks