"assignment" tool pop-up after student submission = Misleading to students
Hello! When students submit an assignment, the "assignment" tool pops up for them and provides an overview of the assignments completed and which ones are next to complete. That said, this tool is misleading because it gives the students the impression that this is the course outline. Students click and attempt the next…
Grading option
How do I assignment a grading section to an assignment for examiners to enter their marks. How to use the gradebook and connect it to an assignment. Thanks Ome
Uploading Word Project Assignments from a Mobile Device Using Copilot 365 & OneDrive
My Question is: now that Microsoft is using Microsoft 365 and they are recommending using Copilot 365 for Mobile devices - when you create a Word document it automatically saves to the OneDrive. Is there a way to access the OneDrive from a Project assignment submission screen on a mobile device? Or does the actual file…
Assignment deleted becore un-linking from grade book, cannot delete the column from grade book
An instructor was re-arranging some assignments in a Brightspace course. An Assignment that was linked to the grade book was removed as it was no longer needed. The Assignment, hwoever, was removed without un-linking it from the grade book. As a result, the corresponding column was left behind in the grade book, still has…
Arithmetic Question with multiple formulas
I know I have seen posts since 2023 asking for arithmetic questions with multiple formulas so we can ask multiple part questions that generate new values for each student. Is this anywhere close to becoming a reality? If so, can you tell me when we might see this feature? I have been teaching with D2L Brightspace for…
Random selection from different lists
Not a quiz question! Say you have 4 lists of items, how can I randomly select one item from each list and show the 4 item results. Say I have 30 Students - so each would have a random 4 item list. Can this be programed - so it can be used with varied number of lists? And the lists may have numbers, words, or sentences.
Assignment tool moves page numbers in heading to left
Viewing a students submission on Brightspace shows the page number on the left and when you download the same submission and open it in MS Word the page number is on the right. APA formatting states the page numbers should be on the right, so points would be deducted if only viewing the submission on Brightspace. I would…
Is there a way to get the Visual Table of Contents to show topics completed?
Good morning, I am wondering if there is a way to have the Visual TOC to show topics completed instead of just visited. For example, if a student clicks on a test or assignment, but doesn't actually complete it, the Visual TOC will show as complete. I am wondering if I am missing a setting. Thank you! Laurel
Is there a way to only release a quiz grade if an assignment submission is made?
Hello! I currently have a course structure where students complete a .twb workbook and take an associated quiz. They can update their workbook throughout their 3 quiz attempts. However, it is a requirement that they actually upload the workbook to receive the grade on their quiz. So, the grade for the whole assignment is…
Quiz Options
Hi! We are new to Brightspace (coming from Blackboard). One of our faculty members would like to alter the points of a quiz AFTER it has been taken. For example, if 12 of her 15 students get a question wrong, she wants to remove it from the quiz or remove points from that question. In Bb, you can do this. Can it be done in…
Peer Review Options
Greetings, Brightspace Colleagues! NCC is new to Brightspace (moving from Blackboard). Are there options for Peer Review in assignments, assessments, or discussions? We can't find any way to utilize peer review within Brightspace. Thank for your help!
How do I add a question from library to an Assignment
Removing evaluator when there is only 1
I have a course which has one Faculty member in the classlist, everyone else is a student. This Faculty member is listed as the Evaluator of the 2 Turnitin assignments. It seems unnecessary to have them listed as the Evaluator, since they already have permission to grade the assignment. When we try to remove the evaluator…
Intelligent Agent and Groups
I have an assignment set up with 1 group. All students in the course are in the 1 group. Why? Because I want all students to see each others work and the feedback I provide using the annotation tools. All students are required to upload a paper to the assignment box. I want to set up an intelligent agent to inform me each…
Peer assessment tool
Is there any way we can enable peer assessment tool in our LMS? Does Brightspace offer any tools with no need to purchase a third-party or external add-on?
How to use a form template in the course content?
I've read the documentation that tells me a form template I create can be added to the content of my course by selecting "Add existing" then selecting "Form" - however, I don't see form listed anywhere as an option. Has anyone else used forms in their course and know what I'm missing? It also says forms can be uploaded to…
course copy - assignments no longer linked to grade center
Greetings, I just wondered if anyone else was having issues with course copies. I had a faculty member copy the content from 2 different courses and in both cases the assignments were no longer linked to the grade center. Deb
Set a release condition without completely hiding the assignment?
I keep having an issue where students don't realize they have an assignment to do because they haven't met the release condition and D2L has it completely hidden until the condition is met. I've tried making clear lists and calendars and sent notes that the assignments exist, but some students always miss the…
How can I connect grades with assignments and not get a billion rows of data?