Course completion API not returning results?

Maureen.B.923 Posts: 139 Analytics Builder Transition
edited March 4 in Corporate

I'm trying to retrieve course completion information via Postman.

  • GET {{BrightspaceDomain}}/d2l/api/le/{{leversion}}/1234/grades/courseCompletion/
  • GET {{BrightspaceDomain}}/d2l/api/le/1.75/grades/courseCompletion/12345/

Each time I run the GETs above, I get a 200 status, but it doesn't return any details:

{"PagingInfo": {"Bookmark": null,"HasMoreItems": false},"Items": []}

I double-checked a Manager Completion report, and user 12345 definitely appears in a completion report for course 1234. Can anyone point out what I'm missing? I'm a novice when it comes to APIs.

Some notes:

  • Course 1234 didn't get "enable completion tracking" turned until yesterday.
  • The completion tracking criteria is based on the release condition "User has earned award X"
  • I also tried this on multiple other courses and users who should be marked as complete, but still aren't appearing in the response



  • Derik.P.149
    Derik.P.149 Posts: 18 Analytics Builder Transition

    I haven't used this route before, but I suspect that it is specific to the Grades tool, which is separate from the "completion tracking" setting.

    This route may perform the action that you're looking for. I was able to collect the completion status of a user. Some notes about the route:

    1. The authorizing user will require Completion Tracking permissions. I enabled them all, but I suspect it is "Track Completion Progress in Widget," but others may also impact it.
    2. Completion Tracking is required to be enabled in the target org unit.

    Hope this helps!

  • Maureen.B.923
    Maureen.B.923 Posts: 139 Analytics Builder Transition

    Interesting idea - but it's still not working!

    • I ran GET {{BrightspaceDomain}}/d2l/api/lp/{{lpversion}}/enrollments/orgUnits/7105/users/19503/completion and it gives me a 404 error. (I tried multiple orgunitids and userids)
    • But if I look up the same user via GET {{BrightspaceDomain}}/d2l/api/lp/{{lpversion}}/enrollments/users/19503/orgUnits/ it shows me that they ARE enrolled in OrgUnitId 7105. 🤔

    7105 isn't formally assigned by a manager. The user self-enrolled via the Discover tool, but has met the completion criteria for the course.

    Some notes/thoughts:

    • I'm a Super Admin - I should be able to pull user data, right? This API isn't limited to the manager's of the employees?
    • Our courses don't use the grade tools - just the Completion Criteria. (E.g. Our release conditions are based on "User 1 has earned X% on Exam A" and, "User 1 has earned Award B. Award B is our definition of complete."