How to update pronouns

We want to update users' pronouns and disable users' ability to update through BrightSpace. Pronouns data will feed from another system, I can see system Pronouns can be set when creating a user through API, but I couldn't find a way to update pronouns for existing users.
If updating system pronouns isn't possible, can we batch-update user pronouns on behalf of users through API while logging in as an admin?
Hi @Edwina.Yin5174 - I know there are some forthcoming updates to the way that pronouns are handled because we're also waiting for some updates to support the inclusion of pronouns from our SIS via IPSIS. Maybe @Jeannette McN32 can share some details.
Thanks @Andy.Freed7110 - We'd love to have this in IPSIS if possible since the rest of the user data are synced through IPSIS