Is it possible to create a quiz where the questions are graded one by one?

Christine.O.3145 Posts: 4 🔍
edited March 21 in Higher Ed / Postsecondary



  • Miguel.B.106
    Miguel.B.106 Posts: 11
    edited March 13

    Hi Christine.O.3145

    Thank you for reaching out to the Brightspace Community!.

    You can go to your quiz and from the drop-down option next to the quiz, you can select "Grade".

    Then, use the "Questions" tab to select the question you'd like to grade.

    We hope this helps and please feel welcome to reach out with more questions!

    Best regards

    Miguel B.

  • Janet.O.779
    Janet.O.779 Posts: 35

    Hi, Christine.

    Do you mean a quiz where students click to select an answer and then their answer is immediately auto-graded and displays a score (or correct/incorrect) before they go on to the next question?

    No, I don't think Brightspace can do that. At first I thought maybe you could get close to that by entering automatic Feedback for each answer selection when creating the questions… but in testing I see that only becomes visible to students after they complete and submit the entire quiz.

  • Christine.O.3145
    Christine.O.3145 Posts: 4 🔍

    I want the question to be immediately auto-graded. We are changing LMS and this was a feature in Moodle that allowed me to build scaffolding questions about a topic. I have not been able to find a feature like that in D2L. In addition, to prevent guessing there could be a small deduction if the answer was wrong.

  • Karim.M.508
    Karim.M.508 Posts: 10

    Hi @Christine.O.3145

    Brightspace (D2L) does have features that can help you create auto-graded, scaffolded questions with potential for small deductions on incorrect attempts, though it may not work exactly the same way as in Moodle.

    In Brightspace, you can set up Quizzes or Self-Assessments that provide immediate feedback and auto-grade as soon as the student submits their answer. Here’s how you can do it:

    • Quizzes: In Assessment > Quizzes, create a quiz and enable "Auto-publish attempt results immediately" under the "Evaluation & Feedback" section. This allows students to see their score and feedback right away.
    • Question Pooling: You can add randomized pools of scaffolded questions so that students don't see the same questions repeatedly.
    • Immediate feedback per question: In the question editor, you can add feedback per answer (correct or incorrect) that displays right after the student submits.


  • Christine.O.3145
    Christine.O.3145 Posts: 4 🔍

    These are helpful, but not quite what I am looking for. I want each question to be autograded separately, meaning while taking the quiz, not after it has been submitted.

  • Karim.M.508
    Karim.M.508 Posts: 10


    Unfortunately, Brightspace does not currently support this functionality natively. In Brightspace, auto-grading only happens after submission of the full quiz or individual questions in Self-Assessments (but without grade tracking).

    Closest Workarounds in Brightspace

    • Self-Assessments for Real-Time Feedback (No Grade Tracking)
    1. Self-Assessments in Brightspace allow immediate, per-question feedback.
    2. However, they are not graded—they are meant for practice and formative assessments only.
    3. If your goal is immediate feedback without formal grading, this is the best option.
    4. 📌 Limitation: No score is recorded in the gradebook.
