Possibility of wordcount menu in Discussion Post Page

Adeyemi.A.8548 Posts: 4 🔍
edited February 19 in Higher Ed / Postsecondary

I am using D2L bright space at Conestoga college for my courses. One of my courses has many discussion posts and part of the grading metrics is checking minimum number of words. I am wondering if there can be word count provision on the grading page instead of copying to MS word all the time to check number of words. This can be tasking when handling many students and having it inbuilt on D2L brightspace can be great help for Instructors. I am optimistic that this request can be given consideration during your upgrading team meeting. Thank you. Adeyemi


Best Answer

  • Jennifer.W.973
    Jennifer.W.973 Posts: 413 🎆
    Answer ✓

    @Adeyemi.A.8548 Hi Adeyemi, the word count should display automatically when you are assessing topics. It will be under the title of the post/reply, right after the date.

    However, when just viewing topics the d2l.Tools.Discuss.TextStats.DisplayWordCount configuration variable must be enabled by your institution's D2L admins in order to see word counts in the Reading and Grid views.


  • Owen.M.3197
    Owen.M.3197 Posts: 67 ⏸️ Inactive

    Hi Adeyemi,

    Thanks for bringing your question to the Brightspace Community, it's a good one!

    My name is Owen and I'm happy to assist here. I've attached an article that walks through how to check word count directly in the Brightspace platform itself (without that annoying copying / pasting over and over again)


    I hope this helps!



  • Adeyemi.A.8548
    Adeyemi.A.8548 Posts: 4 🔍
    edited February 11

    Thank you so much Jennifer. This is actually what i am looking for but mine does not show the count. This is what i have

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    Jan 28, 2025 10:35 AM

    It may be the administrator need to make some configuration setting as you said. I still need more help.

  • Hi @Adeyemi.A.8548,

    Thank you for reaching out in the Brightspace Community.

    Based on what you are describing, I would like to suggest to have a support agent take a closer look at things.

    Your first step is to connect with your school or organization’s Help Desk to create a support request.

    If you’re not sure how to do this, email us at questions@community.d2l.com with the name of your school or organization and we can provide the contact details.

    Thanks, Ana

  • Adeyemi.A.8548
    Adeyemi.A.8548 Posts: 4 🔍

    @Jennifer.W.973 answered the question perfectly and my college has sorted it out based on snapshot i sent them from Jennifer. Thank you Jennifer once again for saving me from "suffering amidst plenty" Lol! Thank you all.