Generating item statistics from randomized pooled quiz sections
A question was posted over a year ago about this topic in the Community Corner, but I see no fix offered. I am hoping someone has a workaround for the lack of item statistics offered on randomized quizzes.
I have as many as 50 responses for items on my randomized, pooled quiz sections so I feel there should be a way to generate item statistics. I am only provided with the question average and the frequency each option was chosen in the detailed question statistics page, and NA for everything else. If the statistics feature does not generate these data, is there any way to set up a report to create discrimination index/point biserial for these items? Or even a way to set up the calculations using Excel?
Hi Brenda.D.7284,
Thank you for reaching out to the Brightspace Community!. It seems that currently, quizzes with random sections do not provide statistics due to the questions being randomized.
Currently, there is a posted idea under consideration in the Product Idea Exchange platform logged as Pooled Question Stats (D7103).
Pooled Question Stats: View Submission
You may also consider using the Assessment Quality Dashboard included in the Performance+ package (in case it is available in your organization) to display statistics and details about questions in the Quizzes tool. Please kindly find below further information regarding this Dashboard in the following Brightspace Community Article:
Assessment Quality Dashboard - Brightspace
We hope this helps and please feel welcome to reach out with more questions!
Best regards
Miguel B.
Thank-you for your response, Miguel. I don't seem to have access to the Product Idea Exchange. When I click the icon in the Learning Center homepage, I get an Unavailable Quicklink message. Is there a way to gain access?
I have messaged our team to see if we have the Assessment Quality Dashboard.
Hi @Brenda.D.7284, thank you for reaching out to the Brightspace Community!
Most PIE Access problems can be resolved by following/confirming that you're taking the following two steps:
1) Please follow the steps outlined in this article to re-initiate the verification that will connect you to PIE on your next login to the Brightspace Community
2) PIE can't be accessed directly. You must login to the D2L Brightspace Community first.
To access PIE:- Login to the Brightspace Community
- Select 'Product Idea Exchange from the navbar or from the quick link menu found on the Community Homepage
- Once inside PIE, you can search for the PIE item you are looking for, or create a new item.
: To get access to Client-Only resources, please ensure while registering, you are selecting the name of your organization from the dropdown list rather than typing it manually!Please feel free to reach out if the issue persists. Thank you!