Questions Regarding Quiz Questions and API Capabilities in Brightspace

Ahmed.B.4500 Posts: 3 🔍
edited September 26 in Higher Ed / Postsecondary
I am currently working on my paper, where I am investigating how to utilize Brightspace for generating quiz questions from an external application.
In this context, I have the following questions:

- Is there an API route available specifically for generating quiz questions? I have only found a route to create a quiz itself, but not for adding questions.
- Is there a test account (sandbox) available for us to conduct our tests?
- When uploading quiz questions, we can use a CSV or IMS QTI file? What should an IMS QTI file look like?

I appreciate your assistance and look forward to your response.

Best Answer


  • Ahmed.B.4500
    Ahmed.B.4500 Posts: 3 🔍

    Hi Chris,

    Thank you for your response.

    I’ve attempted to use an IMS QTI file, but I keep encountering an error during import, stating that no quizzes or sections can be found. I’ve tried using various examples from 1EdTech’s documentation, but unfortunately, none of them seem to work. I also tried importing a file that I exported from Brightspace, but it wasn’t a zip file, and the quiz import expects a zip file.

    Could you please provide me with a working file that includes all question types?

    Thanks in advance for your help!