Is it easy to transfer questions from a survey into a quiz
I've set up a Professional Standards audit using the survey tool but unfortunately our members can't see their responses after submission.
As a result, I believe I need to set it up now as a quiz so that our members can have multiple attempts and see their previous responses.
Can you advise . . .
Is there a quick way to transfer questions from a survey into a quiz?
Also how do I hide the marks from the members as these are not relevant for them?
Hope you can help.
You can import the survey questions into the Question Library and then add them to the Quiz from the Library.
However on the Restrictions tab for a survey you have an option to allow "Single Attempt that is Editable" - that would imply that they can view the responses after submission?
Really! I didn't know that.
Does that me that a person could also repeat the survey on multiple occasions and they can look back at each attempt to see how their answers have changed?
How do you import questions from a survey into a question library and then export them into a quiz?
Many thanks