Complete button showing
Kia ora,
Where can I check what causes the Completion button to show within a course. See image for reference.
User has yet to complete all course requirements. Release conditions have not been met. Event logged has nothing.
User details:
Name: Tina Chin
Course: Flexible learning vaccinator foundation
Complete button appears on landing page under my courses.
RC for award: completes assessments above or equal to 80 percent and completes tutorial assignment
User has not completed assessments.
Award has not been given. NO awards available for her.
Hello @UniServices-ACS.G.145,
The 'Complete' button shows when the user has completed all the required activities/content. Here's an article on how it tracks content completion and participation.
May I suggest you open a support case please to further look into this issue for you?
Thank you,
Kia ora,
I opened a support case. Emilio was assisting and could not provide help. Going around in circles now.
As mentioned in above statement - the user has not completed all required content. So I am not sure why is is appearing as Complete.
I believe you have raised it to incorrect team.
You are best to have one of your organization's Approved Support Contacts (ASC) open a case with the D2L
Helpdesk.For more information on how an ASC can open a support case, I would recommend reviewing our ASC Resource List, specifically the Creating and Managing Cases section.
Note: As a best practice, it would be good to include detailed steps to reproduce, as well as examples of users who have encountered the issue and/or any of the responses they received in those instances. If possible, noting the date/time of the occurrences is also useful to the troubleshooting process.