How to fix release conditions error?
Posts: 9 🔍
My Brightspace course has certain release conditions set for activities, but when I log in as a student or even view as a student, one discussion activity will not unlock (which is a problem because it unlocks the next activities!). I have deleted, reset, and reassigned release conditions to this activity, but nothing has worked. This is leaving my learners stuck on a page and unable to move forward.
Hi Kourtine,
Without seeing your set-up, and if all release conditions have been removed from the forum/topic make sure to check the Group and Section Restrictions tab for any configuration that may be blocking access.
The relevant Community resource covering this is available at
When testing I always recommend for clients to use a demo learner/user account, if available, to access the course and activity as this provides the real learner experience. Second to this if you have the impersonation functionality available to your role use this to impersonate a learner from your classlist.
However, if the behaviour persists please contact the D2L Support team to investigate and resolve the issue with you.
Hope that helps!