Late Submission of Quiz

Is there a way to be notified or stop the submission of late quizzes? Currently I have students that submit quizzes late and the grade goes automatically to the gradebook over righting the zero grade that was there. I do not want to put an end date as I want my students to be able to see their assignments after so they can study and learn from them. Ideally the late submission would show up and need approval to be put into the gradebook.
Best Answer
Hi @Gary.Glaser8529 . Disassociating the quiz from the grade item will preserve existing marks in Grades, while preventing updates. This comes with a couple of drawbacks: you have to disassociate the quizzes manually, and in a timely fashion, and if you copy your course forward, you'll need to re-associate the quizzes and grade items.
I'm curious about your comment, "I do not want to put an end date as I want my students to be able to see their assignments after so they can study and learn from them". Students who have completed the quiz will be able to see the questions and answers, if you wish, by managing the submission view for the quiz by clicking the "Customize Quiz Results Display" link in the Evaluation & Feedback section when editing a quiz. Students who didn't do the quiz don't have a submission to view, so they're out of luck. Is this the reason for not wanting to use the end date on a quiz, or is there another reason?
Hey @Gary.Glaser8529,
Thanks for reaching out to us here at the Brightspace Community!
My understanding is that you are looking for an automated ability to apply a late score penalty for Quizzes submitted after the due date and before the end date.
You are also looking for an automated ability to apply a late score penalty for files submissions after the due date and before the end date.
Use Cases *
Score penalties are an effective way to encourage timely completion and submission of assignments.
Any quiz or assignment that has a due date with a distinct/different end date is a candidate for a "late score penalty". Some ability to configure the penalty (such as a % of the total score value, or a sliding scale for a score penalty that grows with time).
We love your feedback and would request you to comment on a PIE Item #D9715 created inside our Product Idea Exchange. Check out this article to learn how to access the PIE platform.
@Aasim Yac947 - I wasn't necessarily looking for an automated way to grade late work (but that would be nice). I just was looking for a way to prevent the late work that is autograded (multiple choice / matching/ etc) to not directly go into the gradebook and override the zero that was already placed there (and without notifying the faculty member).
@Craig Rom66 Thank you for your response. That answered the question and filled in a gap where things were causing the problem.
I am looking for a way to automatically grade late assignments at a penalty. So if there's an internal flowchart where you're tracking these things, please add this as a vote for that feature.