asin in formula for arithmetic questions
It seems that asin is not supported. Does anyone know how to handle that? The answer for one of the questions I am trying to write is an "asin(x)" Thanks
Issues with Scorm files
As a super administrator I have access to view scorm objects. For administrators only. They are experiencing an issue with Scorm files. See the message they receive below. How can this issue be fixed?
My learners say they can't see detailed quiz results
I graded their quizzes and publizhed the results, but my learners are telling me all they can see is their score, they can't see the detail (questions, their answers, correct answers, feedback, etc.). I checked my settings and I think I've set it correctly. Is it me, or is it them? (I have no idea where they should look,…
Can "Treat ungraded item as 0" be disabled?
Hi there, Is there a way to disable the "Treat ungraded item as 0" option in Gradebook settings? We don't want instructors to use this as it results in inaccurate reflection of students' current grades. Thank you, Amy Johnson
Is it possible to make an assignment where learners can either submit a file or text?
Hi! Looking for advice on how to create an assignment where learners could either submit a file OR leave a URL in the text box. Is this possible? We would like to give our learners some choice when it comes to submitting their work. Thanks!
Analytics core guide - activity categories
Hi everyone. We're looking for the data associated with assignment categories on the data hub. where can I find the table and field that contains this information? Thank you.
No Course
When I logged in today I received the following message: You do not have access to any courses. Could you point me in the direction to fix this?
create upload video
how do I create and insert a video note?
Using Brightspace with OCaml
Hi, I'm trying to set up a new brightspace course for a course on functional programming in OCaml. I noticed that there's the ability to add code snippets to the page, but no syntax highlighting available for OCaml. Is it possible to fix that?
Course not showing up today
My course is not available for viewing today. Does anyone know how to access it? Thank you, Carlee
I'm new here so still trying to figure out how to use it. How can I access the main home page?
How can I get it to where I can view messages, documents, etc?
How do i access the video note tool? Where is it located?
How do I access the video note tool? Where is it located?
SCORM deployment options
We have noticed that there are very limited SCORM deployment options. As an example on exporting Articulate Rise which has main sections which have defined lessons (sub – section pages), the SCORM options on deployment in LZ are limited as a result this leads to limited SCORM statistics on viewing user engagement on…