SCORM deployment options

We have noticed that there are very limited SCORM deployment options. As an example on exporting Articulate Rise which has main sections which have defined lessons (sub – section pages), the SCORM options on deployment in LZ are limited as a result this leads to limited SCORM statistics on viewing user engagement on ‘pages’ defined the original source.
Could I ask are there more options depending on the original software export and the options provided within that may implicate more SCORM options presented
or do all SCORM exports get the same SCORM deployment options?
Hi Sukhtinder
Not sure if this answers your question, There are additional Scorm reports that an Instructor can access to see progress and other information that can be returned to the LMS from the Scorm Object ( assuming the object sends the data) See the link to the documentation below.
Thanks Ian for your response!
I'm looking for more usage details, for example pages that users have accessed in the SCORM. We need something like LRS - Learning Record Store for SCORM objects
The export from Articulate Rise as SCORM provides complete/incomplete but that is for the whole resource. The SCORM reports just outlines attempts in resource and number of visits not the pages (lessons) defined in the original rise. I even tried exporting as web in the hope that pages data would be captured but it does not, not sure I'm missing something.Best