Youtube videos not playing in embedded SCORM files
We are using the new content experience in Brightspace. I have imported a SCORM file (v. 1.2 created using Articulate Rise) containing some YouTube videos. When I set the SCORM file to display in the embedded player, the YouTube videos will not play. They display the error 'Video unavailable. This videos is restricted from…
how is time calculated when listening
I have a quick question and thought you might be able to help me. When a student uses the 'listening' to content feature that's built into D2L does it track that as time logged in and engaging with the course? I encountered an issue today where a student claims she's been listening to all her lessons that way but was told…
New Content Experience - missing Overview and Search
Hi, We are looking to implement the New Content Experience as the default for new course offerings, but there are two elements that we currently use in the "Old" Content Experience which seem to disappear when toggling on the NCE. The "Overview" at the top of the Content menu we use to introduce each course with key…
NCE and items expired
In the NCE, why do item which have expired such as Assignments, Discussions, etc. not show up in content but Learners can see them in the regular tools?
Transferring text into an html page in one course from another html page in another course.
Hello, Within the confines of Brightspace, how can I transfer data such as text or images from one html page in one course to other html pages in other courses? I want to create an html page in NCE containing all the necessary components that faculty need to include in their syllabi. When faculty create their syllabi in…
Self-assessment works well with the classic experience, but when I switch to the new experience, the system displays a message that the content cannot be rendered. I tried to delete the self-assessment and create it again, I tested it several times, but it didn't work. Do you have any recommendations please?
Feature request: Text Editor: Highlighter <mark></mark>
I've noticed that the default text editor is missing a highlight function, instead support suggested diving into the HTML and adding <mark style="background-color: green;">… Would be really, really nice to have the standard highlighter available in the text editors — great way to mark up a students uploaded text (there is…
Why do replace strings work in Units but not in HTML Documents?
Hello, An instructor is utilizing replace strings and noticed that they work in New Content Experience in a unit, but when the replace strings are added into an HTML document within the Unit, the replace string will get replaced with the text and will embed that into the code. For example, if type the string {FirstName} in…
Different Assignment options when accessed via NCE?
Hello, An instructor has run into an issue in which she created a text-submission assignment that students can only access via the New Content Experience (She removed the link to Assignments in the Nav bar to ensure students view the lesson). Unfortunately, when students access the assignment via NCE, they don't have all…
Is anyone else having issues with the module thumbnails on their course home?
Hi! I am an ID and have been working on designing an online course in BrightSpace. I currently have photos on the description of the modules so that they show up on the course home thumbnails (see below). At the moment all the thumbnails show up as the course banners though I have different photos for each. When I go into…
How do I post my syllabus?
I do not know where to start. How do I post my syllabus?
how do i replace ppt slides
how do i replace ppt slides
End dates and visibility
Hi all, Some of our faculty continue to use Classic Content while others have switched to NCE, and we're finding that end dates function differently in each one. In Classic Content, a Unit with an end date appears after the end date and the content still shows up, whereas in NCE the Unit is gone after the end date. Can…
NCE questions
Hello, I have some questions regarding the instructor experience in NCE. Is there a way to place created content within a unit directly at the top of the list of items? After an item is created in a unit containing multiple items, it appears at the bottom of that unit and needs to be dragged and dropped. Classic Content…
Can the popup message "New content is now available!" in Lessons experience be disabled?
When users satisfy release conditions on a page in the Lessons experience, a popup message appears towards the bottom of the interface that reads "New content is now available!" and links to the released content with a hyperlinked message "Click to visit new content." We find the popup distracting. Can these popups be…
How to add a Section in a Unit
I have a Unit that needs a new section (I'm not sure what the Brightspace name for it is).
Surveys in NCE and feature in Assignments tool
Hello, Are there plans to make the surveys look and function the way that quizzes, assignments, and discussions do in the NCE? Currently, adding an existing survey prompts students to open the link in a new tab taking them away from Content. Also, the Survey tool has a much requested feature that Assignments is missing:…
Image Specs in New Content Experience
Hi All, Does anyone know the recommended specs for images in New Content Experience? Thank you
Creating a quicklink to a content module
Hi folks. I'd like to create a quicklink to a content module. I know how to create a quicklink to a single item of content, but I don't seem to be able to create a link to a module of content. I'd like to be able to point students to, let's say, this week's work is in the Topic 1 module, or watch all the videos in this…