Adding a Module to New Experience

Good moring,

How do I add a module to the new experience?

The old experience has the option to add a new module below an existing module. When I click the plus sign next to New Unit, I am given a tab that does not align with the existing modules.

Best Answer

  • Ricardo.S.110
    Ricardo.S.110 Posts: 171
    edited March 7 Answer ✓

    Hi @alaina.s.2924

    In the New Content Experience, if you would like to create what we call a "module" in the legacy/old experience, you should click "New Unit"

    If you would like to add what we call a "submodule" in the legacy/old experience, you should click "Create New" (see below) - which will be indented to the right of the "module" it was created under. Once again, if you wish to add a new content item indented to right, you will click "create new" under that newly-created submodule, and so on.

    I hope this is helpful.
