Certificate Failure


Am wondering its only me who finishes courses and fail to get certificates thereto

Am even becoming hesitant on doing more courses

I am studying under Merit Ontario platform


  • Owen.M.3197
    Owen.M.3197 Posts: 70 admin

    Hi Noah!

    Thanks for bringing this question to the Brightspace Community. My name is Owen, and I'm sorry to hear that you're having some trouble seeing your certificates after completing courses.

    I think a great place that we can look to get you some direct help is through your organization's help desk! I've attached a link below where you'll be able to access that and get some support.

    Here it is: https://lms.meritontariofortraining.com/d2l/login You can see the get help hyperlink on that page!

    I hope this helps,


  • Noah.A.8676
    Noah.A.8676 Posts: 4 🌱

    Hello Owen

    Thank you very much for your reply

    after following your guidelines,

    I got my certificate

    Again am very grateful