how to hide a document so it is accessible only for instructors.
IsDeleted flag in LTI Links table and inclusion of deleted links - Administrator Documentation
Dear Community, I hope you can shed some light on my understanding of the LTI Links table in the LTI Data sets. I was analyzing the usage of LTI links. I have joined the LtiLinks table with the LTILaunches on LTILinkId and LtiLinkId. After joining, I have realised that many links were missing in the LtiLinks table, which…
duplicate / shadow assignments appeared
I somehow have created duplicate assignments within my gradebook that are named "File"(1) or "File"(2). Some of these show up for the students with no grades, others show up with grades twice. I know I have to delete one of the assignments, but which one? I don't want to lose the student grades, or have to enter them all a…
How to create a component that allows me to show an Introduction module in the homepage.
Greetings! I'm trying to create a course for my college which should simulate a gamified route following the next sections: Introduction module, activities module (which is a map that allows students to travel around the world (activities per continent) that must be solved to get experience from every continent) and…
Setting up a cookies banner - to get user consent for Google Analytics
Hi, We have installed google analytics on our dev site for Brightspace, and would love to start collecting data in live. However we can't find any documentation bout adding a cookies banner into brightspace, and ensuring that users consent before we collect their data. Can anyone point us i the right direction for this…
Request for Help with Legend for Quiz Icons in D2L
I hope this message finds everyone well. I have set up quiz questions in my D2L course so that when a quiz is published, the D2L system displays the following to learners: The correct answers to the displayed question. The learner’s response to the displayed question. The learner's grade for the displayed question. Some…
Broken Images on Documentation page: Upload, edit, and play audio-video content with Media Player
I wasn't sure how to send this information - I wish there were a quicklink on your knowledgebase documentation pages to report an error. There are two broken images on the page: These two:
Advanced Assignment Options Documentation for Instructors & Students
Hello, We are wondering when and where training and documentation resources for instructors and students will be posted for the advanced assignment options. It is set to be released in Aug 2024 (next month). The only information we see on the community is this one, which is more informational/release rather than…
Important announcement: Update to Creator+ Data Set documentation
The Creator+ data sets help topic is updated to include new information as part of the August 20.24.8 release. Please refer to this topic for CreatorPlusPracticesAdoption data set information.
Request to expand Documentation on Accessibility and the Editor (Tables)
As I read through the documentation on the Brightspace Editor, I realized a gap in documentation relating to accessibility. There is no documentation to guide users through how to build an accessible table in the page editor. Sure, the accessibility checker catches some errors but is difficult for entry-level users to make…
Calling all Higher Education Instructors!
We would love to hear from Higher Education Instructors about how we have organized our Brightspace help documentation. If you're a Higher Education Instructor, and have a few minutes, please take a moment to complete this short survey: Tool-based navigation survey – Higher Education Instructors Also, if you're part of the…
Calling all K-12 Teachers!
We would love to hear from K-12 Teachers about how we have organized our Brightspace help documentation. If you're a K-12 Teacher, and have a few minutes, please take a moment to complete this short survey: Tool-based navigation survey – K-12 Teachers Also, if you're part of the D2L Champions Program, you can submit your…
Report for inactive vs. active users
What is the best report to use run to look for active vs. inactive users in a particular org unit? This is not based off a particular activity or assignment in the course. We are looking for active vs. inactive users - I don't see that option other than going to the Classlist and looking at each individual enrollee.
Documentation GET /d2l/api/lp/(version)/outypes/(orgUnitTypeId)
Dear madame/sir, This API is not documented enough: I'm missing 2 items: Oauth2 Scopes Return Can you add this information and/or provide this via this platform, so I establish a succesful request/response? Thanks in advance!
Brightspace/Teams Course Connector (ShuffleExchange)
Good morning I'd be interested to hear from anyone who has successfully implemented the Brightspace/Teams Course Connector (ShuffleExchange) integration. Specifically, who in your organisation creates the teams and is this done using the widget or by a Microsoft Teams administrator. Regards, Marion
Possible to bulk move courses?
Hello Is it possible to bulk move courses from a template in one department to a template in another department? Marion
Change language/terms in LMS
Hello! I'm trying to change the term "closed" to "expired" for when a course ends. Does anyone know where/how I can make this change? I've been searching in Language Management but can't seem to match "Closed" with any of the variables there.
machine readable API documentation?
Is there a full machine readable API documentation available? I realize there are blocks of JSON-like descritiption in the human readable reference, and they are described here: But are all of those JSON-like segments gathered somewhere (for each API-version)? Potential formats (but I'm not limited to those): JSON, YAML,…