Can you define a temporary dataset and then connect to it in a second step of a process?
I am trying to connect Users to User Logins to Organizational Units so I can get faculty logins by college and department. Tried a few different ways but no luck.
Is there a way to get a report of who deactivated which users?
How to create a report?
As a teacher, is there a way that I can have the system create a report for me? I know how to access all of this info within my HUB, however it is time consuming to look up each item for each learner. How can I have the HUB compile a report for me of: date of most recent quiz completed date of most recent assignment…
Brightspace datasets tool not available?
I'm a super admin, trying to get Brightspace datasets working in the data hub on my TEST environment (It works on my production environment). I'm following . Data Hub is available, but it's empty. On the Tool Availability page, I can enable Custom Reporting Framework, but Advanced Data Sets and Brightspace Data Sets are…
Is anyone using Civitas with their Brightspace LMS? I am wondering what data sets you are using to provide data to Civitas for analysis
Is there a way to pull specific course data from brightspace
Good Day all, I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to extract singular class data from Brightspace (i.e., class list, user progress in course, user completion, final grades, etc.)? I have an understanding that Data Hub may be my best friend for this but I don't even know where to start, and based from my recent…
How do I get a complete list of our users?
The users page only has an option for New User. I need a list of all users. Thanks!
Report for inactive vs. active users
What is the best report to use run to look for active vs. inactive users in a particular org unit? This is not based off a particular activity or assignment in the course. We are looking for active vs. inactive users - I don't see that option other than going to the Classlist and looking at each individual enrollee.
convertir un campo de texto HTML a formato legible UTF-8
Buenas tardes. Comunidad agradezco su alguna de ustedes a tenido una situación en la cual en la construcción de reportes en domo, hay algunos campos por ejemplo en los conjuntos de datos de la biblioteca de preguntas (campo Pregunta), el texto viene con las etiquetas HTML. Si alguien ha tenido esta situación y logro…
Custom SQL not working
Hi, I am facing difficulties with Analytics Builder Custom SQL. I am asked by my rep to access and find a place to submit a Support Ticket, but is unable to find where to do it. Can anyone assist to guide how can I submit a support ticket as I am unable to do any Data Modelling without the custom SQL feature in…
Download list of course names in .csv format
I can search for all course names that contain a phrase, such as "2023 Fall" or "Physics", etc. Is there a way to download that list in .csv format? Or any other format?
Data Hub Enrollments and Withdrawals, EnrollmentType
Every day I download several files from the Data Hub, including the full dataset of Enrollments and Withdrawals. Today the EnrollmentType column is missing. I can't find any information about this change. Thoughts?
Regarding "Quizzes - Improved experience for generating quiz reports | Updated"
I am wondering why the UX team did not sufficiently consider the implications of the changes in the user interface for downloading quiz and other types of information in CSV or Excel files. With the old interface I was able to click on the down arrow next to the item, select grade, select download CSV, and it would happen…
How to archive courses?
We have several courses from 2019 - onwards that are still available for faculty and administrators. The goal is to archive the courses after each graduating class leaves. I saw that Data Purge may be the way to accomplish this - how can I use this tool? Ideally, the steps would look like this: Designate obsolete courses…
Data Hub's APIs- Retrieve a Data Set Extract File
Hi all, Im trying to retrieve a data set extract file fro Data Hub API. Im stuck at this part. I tried on it didnt work. The error is Unknown error occurred (HTTP status 500). Can someone help. Thank you.
Is there a way to gather statistics in one document for the same test in multiple courses?
Quiz ID
Does anyone know where to find the Quiz ID number?
get data from API
I am trying to pull data like given in the Datahub → Data Sets → 1. Organisational Units, 2. User Enrolments, 3. Course Access
How to export a list of all users ?
When I try to export a list of users I receive a error message. Attached. Thanks, Andrew
How to export a list of all users ?
Hello, I've been asked to export a list of all users in our Brightspace. I have the Administrator role, but I find how to export a list of users. Custom Reporting Framework is turned on. Am I missing something ? I see Report documentation related to the Course Catalog User Interface, but it seems our school doesn't have…