Brightspace Data Sets Updates

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Bookmark this discussion to receive an automated email when new Brightspace Data Sets updates are announced in Keeping on top of Brightspace Data Sets updates.
If you have questions about these announcements, we’d love to hear from you in this thread!


  • Hello Everyone - Just wanted to let you know that we have just updated the Keeping on top of Brightspace Data Sets updates blog with the latest information - please check it out!

  • Hello Everyone - Just wanted to let you know that we have just updated the Keeping on top of Brightspace Data Sets updates blog with the latest information - please check it out!

  • Hello Again Everyone - ust wanted to let you know that we have just updated the Keeping on top of Brightspace Data Sets updates blog with the latest information - please check it out!

  • Theo.B.357
    Theo.B.357 Posts: 10 🌱

    We're trying to link together all our quiz data, and we're seeing that likely datasets are either incomplete or empty altogether.

    Quiz Question Answer Options BDS is empty

    Quiz Question Answers BDS only has about 10% of the total number of questions we have in quizzes.

    Question Library BDS we think is complete.

    just checking if there's something obvious we're missing before creating a ticket :)

  • Hello Theo, are you looking at the FULL datasets or the Differential Datasets ? The differentials will only have data if there were any changes since the last time it ran. Thanks.

  • Theo.B.357
    Theo.B.357 Posts: 10 🌱

    Full datasets thanks Roxana

  • Theo.B.357
    Theo.B.357 Posts: 10 🌱

    the diferentials are empty, as the quizzes haven't been changed for quite a while

  • Thanks for responding Theo. I recommend two more checks :

    1. Do you know if the quizzes in your organization include answer options for these question types: Short Answer, Fill in the Blanks, and Multi-Short Answer? Based on the documentation here : this is the type of data you should expect in this dataset.
    2.  Are there any Differential datasets for Quiz Question Answer Options that have any data ?

    If the answer is Yes for 1 or 2 , please create a case, otherwise it should be expected based on setup.

    I hope this helps.


  • Theo.B.357
    Theo.B.357 Posts: 10 🌱
    edited December 2023

    these are all MCQs (multichoice)

  • Theo.B.357
    Theo.B.357 Posts: 10 🌱

    thanks Roxana, Quiz Question Answer Options are all blank, differential and full.

    as the answer to Q2 is 'no', I think you're saying that would be expected based on setup? not sure I follow that.

  • Theo.B.357
    Theo.B.357 Posts: 10 🌱

    If Question Library BDS is complete- which we think it is, we would expect that Quiz Question Answer Options would give the answers relating to the Question Library values? does that make sense?

  • Multiple choice questions are not going to appear in the Quiz Question Answer Options data sets. Only if there are Short Answer, Fill in the Blanks, and Multi-Short Answer question types in your organization it will be revealed in the datasets.

    What I meant by "based on setup" is data reveleaved in the datasets are based on the quiz setup by the administrators, course designers or teacher ( depending on the roles and permissions setup by the administrator group in your organization). Whoever created the quizzes is considered client setup.

    If you would like to test that dataset, my suggestion is to create a test quiz in your Sandbox course with Short Answer, Fill in the Blanks, and Multi-Short Answer and notice if the data is there in the dataset after next generation time.

    A small reminder that Brightspace Datasets are running on a set schedule and knowing that schedule will give you an idea when you can download the correct dataset.

    Hope this helps.

  • Roxana.P.315
    Roxana.P.315 Posts: 10
    edited December 2023

    Quiz Question Answer Options BDS will only contain a subset of the questions available in the datasets. A great Entity Relationship Diagram can be seen here : .

    On another note, Brightspace Data Sets ( BDS) are limited to the 150 million rows of the most recent data EXCEPT for the following which are limited by DATE (info from ) :

    • 3 years of data (all of the previous two calendar years and the current calendar year to date):
      • Content User Completion
      • Content User Progress
      • Pre-Requisite Conditions Met
      • Quiz User Answer Responses
      • Quiz User Answers
      • Session History

    If none of this information is useful and you feel there is still a problem, even after testing with test data that should appear in Quiz User Answer Responses BDS, please feel free to contact D2L Support.

  • Theo.B.357
    Theo.B.357 Posts: 10 🌱

    thanks for all that info Rosana, I can see that our assumption that MCQ answers, are quiz question answers is not correct.

    what we're trying to achieve is a way to report on all MCQ answers regardless of whether they were chosen or not.

    Quiz User Answer Responses does give us the MCQ answer and indicates if it was correct, but obviously doesn't include any responses not selected by any user.

  • Hello Everyone - I wanted to inform you that we've just updated the 'Keeping on Top of Brightspace Data Sets' blog with the latest information. Please check it out!"

  • Matthew.W.82
    Matthew.W.82 Posts: 1 🔍
    Hi Everyone - Following the December release, all our data sets named Organizational* (US spelling) have changed to Organisational* (UK spelling). The csv files still use the US spelling. This change wasn't mentioned in the December release notes. Has anyone else experienced this?
  • @Matthew.W.82 The language used on the Data Hub page is based on the system Locale and active Language, as well as each user's preferred setting. If you noticed a change that did not correspond to any language changes then please submit a ticket with Support to investigate.

  • liza.c.314
    liza.c.314 Posts: 3 🔍
    Thanks for sharing these insights mate as I found it very much useful and informative.
  • liza.c.314
    liza.c.314 Posts: 3 🔍
    Could you please explain more about this?
  • Claire.D.2
    Claire.D.2 Posts: 75 admin

    The Keeping on Top of Brightspace Data Sets blog has been updated with data sets that were just released in June, as well as the next 3 months of upcoming changes. Please check it out!

  • Lisa.B.760
    Lisa.B.760 Posts: 7 🔍
    what data set do colleges use to determine LDA (last date of attendance)
  • Michael.C.540
    Michael.C.540 Posts: 8
    edited July 25

    Hi Lisa,

    This really is not a one-size-fits-all solution — so much depends on how Colleges have deployed their Brightspace environments, how much Faculty Development has focused on report LDA, and most critically, how the College has defined LDA vis-a-vis institutional learning environment use policies and Registrar reporting requirements.

    Start with existing practices — usually in the Registrar's office, and engage with the Faculty Development folks as to how the institution is currently solving this question, and look for avenues of improvement.


    (p.s. This would be an excellent topic for its own discussion thread. This thread exists primarily for folks to "follow" for "when new Brightspace Data Sets updates are announced in Keeping on top of Brightspace Data Sets updates." )

  • Ben.S.335
    Ben.S.335 Posts: 2 🔍
    Note: The page you linked to lists a new column, TimeStarted, in the August release for the Survey User Answers data set, but I do not see that in the KB article ( or the platform itself.