Our goal is to provide our customers with data access in a performant, complete, and understandable way. This means we need to periodically have major version releases for Brightspace Data Sets (BDS). In addition to making some major changes, we also made some minor changes, such as introducing new columns.
In the upcoming major BDS version 10, the following Brightspace Data Sets (BDS) have been affected:
Grade Results BDS
- Removal of the following columns: IsExempt
IsExempt was removed to reduce redundancy because this information is already available in the Activity Exemption Log BDS.
Grade Objects Log BDS
This BDS is being replaced by Grade Results Log BDS, which is more comprehensive. The Grade Results Log BDS will contain the current user grades. For historical logs it is advised to keep a backup of the Grade Objects Log.
Grade Results Log BDS
- Added new dataset that replaces Grade Objects Log BDS.
Comparison between the two datasets:
Column | Grade Objects Log (End of Life) | Grade Results Log (New) |
GradeObjectId (int, non-nullable) | No change |
OrgUnitID (int, non-nullable) | Not included | New |
UserID (int, non-nullable) | No change |
PointsNumerator (decimal, can be null) | No change |
PointsDenominator (decimal, can be null) | No change |
WeightedNumerator (decimal, can be null) | No change |
WeightedDenominator (decimal, can be null) | No change |
IsReleased (bit, can be null) | Not included | New |
IsDropped (bit, non-nullable) | Not included | New |
Modified (datetime2, non-nullable) | Column name changed to LastModified |
ModifiedBy (int, can be null) | Column name changed to LastModifiedBy |
Comments (nvarchar(1000), can be null) | Not included | New |
PrivateComments (nvarchar(1000), can be null) | Not included | New |
GradeText (nvarchar(50), can be null) | Not included | New |
GradeReleasedDate (datetime2, can be null) | Not included | New |
Version (bigint, can be null) | Not included | New |
GradeSymbolString (nvarchar(50), can be null) | Included | Not included |
LogId (bigint, non-nullable) | Included | Not included |
Name (nvarchar(50), can be null) | Included | Not included |
| | |
Outcomes Scale Definition BDS
- Removal of the following column: RegistryId.
The RegistryId is no longer needed because the Learner Outcome Achievements are associated directly via the Org ID instead of indirectly through a Registry ID.
Users BDS
- Removal of the following columns: LastAccessed, FirstLoginDate, Organization
- Addition of the following column: DateDeleted (datetime2, nullable)
LastAccessed and FirstLoginDate were removed to eliminate redundancy with datasets around user logins and sessions.
Organization was removed to reduce redundancy because all dataset exports are organization specific (all records contain the same Organization).
Deleted users are now included in the Users BDS. DateDeleted indicates the date on which the user was deleted. This field is null if the user has not been deleted.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. How do we enable BDS Major version 10 in Data Hub?
- Ensure the Can See/Edit Config Variable Values and Can Access Brightspace Data Sets permissions are both granted to administrators at the org level.
- Navigate to Config Variable Browser.
- Under Tools, click to select BrightspaceDatasets, and then click Version.
- Ensure the d2l.Tools.BrightspaceDataSets.Version configuration variable is set to version 10.0 or higher.
2. When will the new BDS Major Version Datasets be available?
New and changed Brightspace Data Sets (BDS) appear after the first full data set runs after the major version release.