How do I display or find "read only" users

Paula.C.2956 Posts: 8 🌱
edited February 10 in Higher Ed / Postsecondary

I can't seem to search for them in a class. I have Super Admin access. I can find the users when I use the "users" option for the entire system, but not when I am in the class itself. My only choices in classlist are instructor or learner. I see how I can see an enrollment log, but no way to change the user role in a class except in the classlist - going back to my issue of not being able to pull them up.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.


  • Hi @Paula.C.2956,

    It is possible the role type "Read Only" is not set up to appear in the Classlist. You can confirm this by going to Admin Tools > Roles and Permissions > Edit Settings

    Check to see if the box is checked next to Display users enrolled as this role in classlist

    Hope that helps!

  • Ana.A.776
    Ana.A.776 Posts: 12

    Hello @Paula.C.2956,

    Thank you for reaching out to the Brightspace Community!

    Currently, our Classlist tool doesn't have that functionality.

    While this isn't a feature yet, we collect feedback and ideas in Product Idea Exchange (PIE), where you can submit new ideas and upvote existing one you would like to see implemented.

    There is a corresponding PIE item (Classlist, Add Participant, Add Existing Users: Enhance by adding Search by Role (D1987), which you can upvote to further support your suggestion and help shape our Product Roadmap.

    **Note you will need to log into Community o access the PIE item. You can access through the Quick Links widget found on the main homepage of the Community.



  • Steve.B.446
    Steve.B.446 Posts: 101 🎓

    One workaround might be to use the Bulk User Management tool. I think you should be able to run a batch file which re-enrolls them in the same course with Student or another visible role, after which you should be able to see them on the classlist and manage them as usual.