How to interpret Realease Condition data in the datasets?

I'm attempting to create a report showing the release conditions for a particular course's module. I can get the course, and the module using contentobjects and organizationalunits, but pulling anything usable from releaseconditionobjects has been fruitless. Can anyone give me the proper joins and where statements to get only the active release conditions on the particular module in question?


  • Jennifer.W.973
    Jennifer.W.973 Posts: 412 🎆

    @Jessica.H.9189 You can use Id1 or possibly Id2 to join ReleaseConditionObjects with the data sets of other tools/activities. So if a Content Object has a release condition of visiting a different content topic, then Id1 in that case will be ContentObjectId in ContentObjects where you can get the title whereas if the condition was submitting an assignment, Id1 would instead be the DropboxId in Assignment Summary where you can get the name of the assignment.

    You'll have to look at the bottom of the Release Conditions BDS page to see all the possibilities for Id1 and Id2.

    Or if you don't need the name/title of what will be released, you can also just use ResultToolId and join to Tools to see which tool/activity it is, such as Assignment, Quiz, Announcement, Classlist, etc.

  • Jessica.H.9189
    Jessica.H.9189 Posts: 4 🔍

    As an example, I have a test course with 10 modules. On module 3, I have a single release condition: All conditions must be met. The user is enrolled in the org unit as "Student." When I pull the org and the content object I get 1 row, giving me the data I expect.

    When I add the releaseconditionobjects table to my query I'm getting 13 rows. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but I can't determine what.

    In addition, I do not know how to interpret the id1 and id2 number and what those actually means. I assumed that would be where "Student" is housed, but where is the key telling me which result="Student"? etc.

    I'm new with the org and do not yet understand the data, despite the available schemas, so I need a little guidance, please.

  • Jessica.H.9189
    Jessica.H.9189 Posts: 4 🔍

    Thank you so much, Jennifer. That's the info I think I was looking for!