IPSIS error notification

We are building automated daily integrations to create courses, offerings, and sections using the IPSIS Standard CSV method.
The integrations make an extract from our SIS, and FTP a file to Brightspace.
We are wondering, if there is an error, is there a mechanism to notify the developer that there was a problem? Is there a way for us to get an email notification ? Or do we have to log into look at the IPSIS dashboard ?
If there are no error notifications, as long as the CSV file was uploaded, our integration will look like it successfully completed. We wouldn't know that there was an issue until students or instructors reported a problem.
@Jeff.P.941 Hi Jeff,
Thank you for reaching out to us on the Brightspace Community site.
There is a feature in IPSIS where the users who have subscribed for Batch Job Notifications would receive the emails once the IPSIS batch job is completed.
To use this feature, please provide your role with permission "Subscribe to Batch Job Notifications." of the IPSIS Administration tool using the Roles and Permissions tool. Once the permission is enabled for your role click on your name, From the dropdown click on Notifications, Under Instant Notifications select IPSIS Platform - Batch Completion Summary and click on Save.
More information on the feature is found here: https://community.d2l.com/brightspace/kb/articles/23812-enable-notifications-for-ipsis-batch-jobs