Uploading Word Project Assignments from a Mobile Device Using Copilot 365 & OneDrive

Jocelyn.J.726 Posts: 18 🌱

My Question is: now that Microsoft is using Microsoft 365 and they are recommending using Copilot 365 for Mobile devices - when you create a Word document it automatically saves to the OneDrive. Is there a way to access the OneDrive from a Project assignment submission screen on a mobile device? Or does the actual file need to be saved to the mobile device and then uploaded? I am just trying to save the having back and forth between apps, but I am not seeing the option of uploading from OneDrive on a mobile device.

When you click Upload it provides 3 options (Photo library, Take Photo/Video, or Choose Files) and Choose Files brings files saved on your device not from OneDrive. Then the other option of Choose Existing gives 5 options but none are OneDrive they are (My Locker, Group Locker, ePortfolio, Video Note Search, & Google Drive).

I have screenshots to provide what I mean. I am just trying to find the easiest path if a student would need to use their mobile device to upload from Copilot 365 and then get it easily uploaded? Any help or suggestions is appreciated. Thank you!


  • Hello Jocelyn,

    Thank you for reaching out!

    It sounds like you want to enable the option for students to embed OneDrive files using the OneDrive Picker. To make this available, the OneDrive integration needs to be set up, and users need the appropriate permissions to upload files from OneDrive. Could you confirm if this is already enabled? If not, I recommend reaching out to your institution’s Admin Team to check whether this integration can be set up.

    I am also attaching some documentation on the integration https://community.d2l.com/brightspace/kb/articles/23763-overview-of-microsoft-365

    I hope this helps!

  • Jocelyn.J.726
    Jocelyn.J.726 Posts: 18 🌱

    Thank you Saleem - I found out that is what needs to happen and our Admin team is in the process of looking into it. I do have a follow-up question, if you don't mind. When the OneDrive option to upload is integrated, on Project assignments when a student requests to upload from it do they have to login to Microsoft/OneDrive or are they automatically logged into their OneDrive if their Brightspace account is linked to their OneDrive account? Just trying to determine how many steps happen after they click upload from OneDrive. Thanks!

  • Hi Jocelyn,

    Students who have successfully linked their Brightspace account to their Microsoft/OneDrive account are typically automatically logged in, creating a streamlined experience. However, if the accounts are not linked or the Microsoft/OneDrive session has expired, they will be prompted to log in. Therefore, a seamless upload experience is dependent on the proper integration and account linking.