Brightspace Blocked My Quizzes | Finals

Frenchie.s.5083 Posts: 2 🔍
edited January 15 in Higher Ed / Postsecondary

why is bright space all of a sudden blocking access to quiz content, and lockdown browser materials? i have worked on this course, the entire semester, with no issues until yesterday. brightspace is claiming it doesn’t accept safari, YET i’m using chrome. tried it on a different browser, such as edge, and same issue, and/or error message. please help, i don’t have another device to do my schooling.


  • Ricardo.S.110
    Ricardo.S.110 Posts: 173
    edited January 15

    Hello Frenchie.s.5083!

    I'm sorry you are experiencing this issue.

    I've checked the Browser support updates here in the Community, and I have found that, as of this month Apple Safari version 14 is no longer supported by Brightspace, unfortunately:

    That explains why you are experiencing this issue.

    I recommend you access the above link and ensure your alternative browsers are also up-to-date.

    In case you want to continue using Safari, visit the App Store from your Mac and update Safari to its latest version.

    I hope this is helpful.