"Show Password" icon be available even when quizzes are done in Respondus Lockdown browser?

We noticed that for a standard Brightspace Quiz (no LDB), users are able to click on the "Show Password" icon to check if they have typed in the correct password.
But when the quiz is opened in Respondus lockdown browser, the functionality is gone. Users are unable to check what password they had typed, and numerous attempts continuously return an "Incorrect Password". This makes it frustrating for the user and stressful when encountered in an exam setting.
Is this a suggestion I should send to Brightspace, or is this a feature to be suggested to Respondus?
Best Answer
Hi @Yi Yan.L.782! This is Arie; I'm one of the Product Specialists at Respondus. We'd love to be able to investigate this issue with you - can you open a ticket with Respondus Technical Support at respondus.com/support? Or reach out to our team if it's easier to discuss (we can then help get a ticket open) at training {at} respondus.com. It's not clear from the description if it's a Brightspace or LockDown Browser issue - but we'll figure it out! Thanks!
Hi Arie,
Thanks for the response 🙂
As we have a Respondus rep for our org, I'll send the question to them and have them liaise with Respondus accordingly.