How to migrate announcements from Blackboard Learn to Brightspace

My Blackboard Learn course has about 70 announcements that are now unavailable for students to view because their end dates were in the past. I keep them that way, and each semester I activate them at various times by setting new start dates. When my Blackboard course gets exported and then imported to Brightspace, will all of those announcements still be unavailable for students to view in Brightspace, or am I going to have to take some action to keep them unavailable? (I hope this makes sense, and that I posted this in the correct place).
Best Answers
Hello @Peggy.R.1517, thank you so much for reaching out! And you're absolutely on the right place :) When you export your Blackboard Learn course and import it into Brightspace, the announcements will transfer over. However, the availability settings, such as start and end dates, there's a possibility that it may not carry over exactly as they were in Blackboard. Based on this documentation , the conversion and import is supported but we recommend to work with your site administration or D2L Account Manager when importing content from another LMS.
I also found a similar discussion in the community about exporting course content and I hope that you get some nuggets of information in here.
Thanks for replying, Krizzy.S.9720, and letting me know that start and end dates may not carry over exactly as they were in Blackboard. I'm hoping someone can also tell me if there's a Blackboard announcement whose start and end date is in the past, and is therefore not viewable by students in Blackboard, will remain unviewable in Brightspace after the export/import.