View quiz results if quiz is hidden

Our nursing department sets up their quizzes with Respondus LockDown Browser, puts a password on the quiz, and sets the results view to a limited 15 minutes viewing time after quiz submission. Previously, the instructor would wait until all of the students were in the quiz, then they would hide the quiz from users. That allowed the students to take the quiz and view the results but if they left the classroom before the 15 minute view window was over, they would not be able to go back and continue reviewing their results because the quiz was hidden. I'm not sure which update and when but now, if the quiz is hidden while the students are taking it, they can complete the quiz but when they are done and try to view results, they get the Not Authorized screen and a notice that time had expired. The instructors know they can customize quiz results displays and set a limit to how many minutes it can be reviewed after submission. Is there any other way to restrict this? Even changing the password after the quiz has started doesn't work. The students are not prompted for a password when reviewing their attempt since it is not considered accessing the quiz itself.
Is there any way to restrict the number of views on an attempt? It would be great if there was a setting that would only allow one view.
Best Answer
Hi @Rica.B.774
The only way to restrict quiz submission views is indeed by setting up a time limit. Your suggestion of limiting the number of times a student can access their results is indeed interesting so I would like to invite you to put it as a feature request through our Product Idea Exchange (PIE).
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