Content Progress

Could you please clarify how sessions are tracked and whether there could be any system errors affecting data accuracy? We observed that a student downloaded a document from Brightspace, yet the system recorded it as 1 visit | 0d 0h 0m 0s | Downloaded. How can a download be registered without any time allocation? Additionally, how should this information be interpreted and utilized effectively?
Hello @Elaine.C.420 thank you for your question.
Due to multiple browser configurations and use cases, tracking the time spent viewing content in Brightspace is a best estimate. For example, the following can contribute to inaccurate time tracking: running an aggressive ad-blocker, opening content in another browser tab, downloading the content/viewing it locally, or losing an internet connection while viewing content in a browser.
Tracking the time spent viewing content is useful as a diagnostic tool for an instructor to start a conversation with a learner; however, D2L does not recommend using it as an assessment tool.
Please check our article for more details about Content Progress Tool:
Please let me know if you have any questions.