How can I obtain the assignment ID when the external tool launches?
I've integrated an external tool into Brightspace using deep linking, and everything works it launches correctly. I've also sent back a deep linking response, which has been added as my external tool link to the assignment. However, after checking the payload I received from the tool launch, I noticed that there is no information about the assignment ID/dropbox folderID. I need this ID for future API calls to submit the assignment. Is there any way to obtain it?
Thank you!
Hello @Armen.H.2155 thank you for your question.
Have you tried using the API call GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/dropbox/folders/ ? This will bring all assignments created under the course.
You could also use the dataset named Assignment Summary which returns information on the assignment folders.
Here is the documentation for the API call:
and for the dataset
Please let me know if this helps.
Hi @Daiana.A.638!
Thank you for your response, I've got the folder ID using the following API call
GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/dropbox/folders/.I am now attempting to make a POST request to the endpoint
POST /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/dropbox/folders/(folderId)/submissions/mysubmissions/, but I continue to encounter the error: "Request has missing or invalid parameters." . I have tried sending the request body in different formats, including JSON for the comments and a file stream for the submission, but the issue persists.
Could you please clarify what the correct structure of the request body should look like, including the necessary field names?
Thank you very much for your help.