Corelate file on dropbox with quiz answer

Hello, I need to get from API the exact file that was upload as answer to a question.
I alredy use the API, and I was able to find the files on dropbox but I couldnt find a way to know which file was upload as answer to an specific question.
I had a quizz with two quetions where the user send two files one for each, and now I need to get this files and send then to another application, but I need to know which file correspond to each question.
Hello Alan,
In Brightspace, while it’s possible to retrieve files submitted through the Dropbox (Assignments) API, there isn't currently a direct way through the Quiz API to correlate specific files to individual quiz questions. This is because, in quizzes, file responses are not typically saved in association with specific questions in the same way they are in assignments.
Here are some possible workarounds:
- Structured Naming Conventions: One approach would be to require students to name their files in a way that indicates the corresponding question number (e.g., "Question1_FileName.pdf"). This would allow you to manually or programmatically differentiate which file corresponds to each question when using the Dropbox API.
- Assignment Submission for Files: If this is a recurring need, consider using the Dropbox tool (Assignments) instead of quiz questions to collect file responses, as the Dropbox API allows for direct file retrieval with metadata.
- Requesting an API Enhancement: You could submit a feature request to D2L’s Product Idea Exchange (PIE) to consider adding a correlation feature between quiz file submissions and specific questions in future Brightspace releases.
Best regards,