Where can I find information regarding this setting

On the About Anonymous Marking article (https://community.d2l.com/brightspace/kb/articles/5259-about-anonymous-marking), it notes the following:
- In instances where instructors are required to identify a user, such as when a learner is flagged for academic infringement, a permission exists which identifies all anonymous users in an assignment submission folder with anonymous marking enabled – contact your administrator for more information or next steps.
I would like to find this setting as I think it could help with our assessment processes. We have multiple assessors in a course offering that uses anonymous settings in the Dropbox folders and they would complete rubrics for assigned groups ranging from 10 - 50 students per group. We wanted to make a new process and have the assessors publish their rubrics when finished instead of just saving the rubrics to draft, but when they click Publish All for the users that they have selected and are assessing, the anonymity of the other users in the Dropbox folder, even when not selected, is removed.
Hi Desirae,
As noted in
the d2l.Tools.System.Features.AnonymousMarking configuration variable must be turned by an administrator in order to enable anonymous marking.When engaging with your institutions online learning administration team also highlight the need to adjust role permissions enabling users in those roles to access the functionality.
The Advanced Assessments features may also be of interest to you. See
Hope this helps!
The Config Vairable you're looking for is
This will change anonymous to the org defined ID. In our case, we use student ID number from our SIS.
If you don't use org defined IDs as unique identifiers as for your users, I'm not sure what the work around might be.
I'd recommend turning it on as needed for each course, then disabling again once the instructor is done.
Good luck! -
Thank you for the responses! I thought maybe it was a setting that could allow you to turn off how the students are revealed when rubrics are published, but I saw there was a PIE item regarding how when you publish selected rubrics it will remove the anonymity for all users in the assignment Dropbox list and not just the selected ones. Hopefully that PIE item gets to be put forward and implemented as this will help when you have multiple assessors grading assignments in one Dropbox folder.