Progress>Content (Required and Optional Topics)>Time Spent

Is there any way to pull this data in an exportable excel file so that the time spent for all students in a course can be viewed in a single document without having to view each student individually?
My school is very focused on evidence of student learning and engagement. As we all know. in the online setting students can easily "click through" things or bypass the lesson/learning/reading altogether and simply complete graded items. Even though release conditions can help this somewhat, students are quick to discover how to get through those as well.
This is why my school is so interested in the "Time Spent" element, but it is extremely time-consuming for the teacher to gather this information.
Hi AWells,
Yes, the information is available in both the Brightspace and Advanced Data Sets. The Advanced Data Sets offer you some additional filtering functionality allowing you to pull summary filtered data for course offerings or across other org unit levels.
If you don't have access to the Data Hub tool you'll need to connect with your institutions Brightspace Administrators to generate the required data sets.
The relevant Community documentation is available at:
- Content Progress -
- Content data sets -
Hope that helps!