Intelligent Agent - Sending email when not enrolled in a group

I want to create an Intelligent Agent that sends an email at set times after checking that a student has not enrolled in a group. I can figure out how to send an email when they have enrolled in a group, but not when they have not. Basically, the idea is to keep reminding the student to do it until either the time runs out or they enroll. Does anyone know how to set this up?
- Hi Machelle,
Thank you for reaching out to us on the Community site.
The Brightspace Learning Environment (LE) does not currently have the feature to create release conditions based on non-enrollment in a group.
However, there is a feature request submitted as below in the Product Idea Exchange that aligns with your ask that I recommend you upvote,
Add "Not a member of group X" condition (D8660)
Direct Link:
- NOT conditions are unfortunately lacking in the release conditions. This won't help with automating emails from D2L, but you can get the list of "not in a group" students relatively easily by exporting the IA history and Classlist and using Power Query in Excel to join them. You can also get the email addresses from the Classlist, if you decide to manually email the students outside of D2L.