Sharing Analytics Builder Dashboards

My institution is implementing the Insights Portal. I have been tasked with learning the ins and outs of the Analytics Builder to build custom dashboards for my institution. I've had some success creating visuals that are going to be helpful to stakeholders for short-term and long-term tracking purposes.

I keep hitting a wall when trying to share the dashboard with our D2L users. It's looking like the Analytics Builder built off the Amazon QuickSight platform. As a result, I can't seem to find a way to share the dashboard with our D2L users who need to see them. Only our 2 accounts with "analytics" access can view the dashboards. My dashboard needs to be viewed regularly by many people in our institution.

I'd like to be able to do one of the following:
- Share the dashboard with specified D2L users.
- Generate a link or embed code for the dashboard so we can post/email the dashboard.

Are either of these possible? Is there another way to share these dashboards?

Best Answer


  • Julie.L.787
    Julie.L.787 Posts: 323 ⏸️ Inactive

    Hi @Daniel.K.5450 ,

    Thanks for connecting with community to post your question. I am hoping that our Getting Started with Analytics Builder Learning Center resource will be a helpful tool for addressing your question.

    Additionally, I am going to connect your question with our product experts in case there is a pathway that I am missing. Stay tuned!😀

  • Hi @Daniel.K.5450 ,

    Thank you for reaching out. I understand the challenges you're facing, and I'm happy to share some updates that might help:
    PDF Export:

    • You can export the dashboard visuals as PDFs or images to share them via email or post them on internal platforms.
    • Consider setting up scheduled reports to be sent to users' emails, ensuring they receive regular updates.

    Embedding Support:

    • Our team is actively working on embedding support in Analytics Builder. Please keep an eye on upcoming Release Notes for more information on this feature.

    Org Role-Based Group Sharing:

    • We are planning to release organization role-based group management in September. However, I can discuss enabling this feature earlier for your instance if it's a priority for your institution.

    Please let me know if you’d like to proceed with any of these options or if there are any other specific needs your institution has. We are here to help make the process as smooth as possible!

  • Daniel.K.5450
    Daniel.K.5450 Posts: 4 🌱

    Hi @Lavniet.D.414,

    Thanks for the updates. The support page Administering Insights Reports Builder in Brightspace that @Jennifer.W.973 has been extremely helpful in understanding all the steps to assigning viewer access. In following these steps, we've learned a few things:

    • Users / roles need to be assigned the "Can Use Analytics Builder" permission. (We didn't do this at first because it was not clear these users would have view-only access; the "can use" language sounds like they would be editors as well. Our mistake).
    • Users need to access the "Analytics Builder" at least one before they appear as users within the Analytics Builder.
    • Only after they access the Analytics Builder was I able to share a dashboard with that specific individual.

    To follow up on your notes:

    • Right now the dashboards are somewhat buried in the Analytics Builder itself. Users have to click several times (Insights Portal → Analytics Builder → Analytics Builder (again) to access the platform before they can get to whey they'd choose a dashboard to open. I think the embed code option will be a great addition, and it will allow us to put dashboard in front of users who need them much more easily.
    • We're starting dashboard development at the admin level, as the pre-build instructor/advisor dashboards look useful. Assigning users one at a time from the Analytics Builder won't be that difficult. However, I do think a role-based assignment within the Analytics Builder will be extremely helpful when we're ready to share dashboards with instructors, advisors, etc. Looking forward to this update!

  • Daniel.K.5450
    Daniel.K.5450 Posts: 4 🌱

    Hi @Lavniet.D.414,

    I saw the update about role-based permissions for the Analytics Builder. Exciting stuff! That's going to be very helpful as we prepare to share dashboards with faculty and advisors.

    Have you made any progress on generating embed codes or links for dashboards? I did some digging, and it looks like Amazon Quicksight already has this functionality. See link:
