PDF loads OK via Content, but not when included in Quiz

Hi D2L community,

Would like your advice…

I have a 77.5mb PDF file that loads within tolerable duration when viewed in Content, but when I include the pdf file as a reference in a quiz (inserted as a quicklink under Quiz Information), it takes way longer to load, to the point where the screen freezes.

Has anyone faced this issue, or anyone has tips on troubleshooting if the issue is in the PDF?



  • Nikhil.P.90
    Nikhil.P.90 Posts: 107

    @Yi Yan.L.782 Hi Yi Yan,

    Thank you for reaching out to us on the Community site.

    The behavior you have reported will require further investigation from our side.

    Can you please open a support case by providing the below details so that we can further investigate,


    1. Course name and ou number(Unique digits in the url address after /home when the course is accessed) the pdf file is present in
    2. Content topic and Quiz name that has the pdf file


